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It was with me that everything was available in the driving school. You don’t need anything. And what do you mean with recommendations? A Full Motorcycle Leather Combi will not be required for a 125. Have only one helmet, jacket and gloves… Drive the Yzf R125
Why would I guess:
Full face helmet
Leather Combi (textile Combi is more everyday but does not offer so much protection)
Gloves with long sleeves
Motorcycle boots (no ankle-high shoes)
Back Protector (Schildkröte)
Take your mind. Although I do not think about one hundred percent in one point.
It is the point with the textile clothes and not so much protection. If you choose high quality leather and cheap textile yes. On the other hand, the result also changes dramatically. There may even be a more expensive textile combi better than a cheap leather combi.
It depends on the exact material. Leather is not the same as leather. There are enormous differences. Just like textile.
I have read test reports showing that even a cheap leather combination is superior to an expensive textile combination. Everyone has to decide what to wear.
I sold my textile combo again because I just don’t feel comfortable in her. The leather gives me more safety.
Here is one of the tests: and textilecombis-crashtest-in-allen-classes/
low ankle-high shoes made of solid material
evtl kidney belt. but is partially set by the driving school, because you are familiar with it as a driving student
Is the link with you?
• boots, • helmet, • gloves, • motorcycle pants, • motorcycle jacket with protectors and a kidney belt.