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Gibt es Mütter, die über ihr Kinder lästern?
Vielleicht kennt ihr ja jemandem oder habt was gehört?
If you’re underage, it won’t hurt. It won’t take long until you get home from the police. If you have family problems, you can report to the jugendamt. If these problems affect your well-being (from the view of the Youth Office), you can legally leave your parents.
Good luck.
I’m already living in a home but I have to get out of here because I want to leave
Oh. Thought of home. Yeah, you can’t do much. Wouldn’t risk getting rid of it quite honestly. If you’re over 16, find a job. Then you can reconsider if you want to leave.
But it does
Take a nix
Please call a worries phone.
I’m only 15 naja either I’m going off or sm one of both
With the run-off, you’ll certainly get even more problems than you might already have. If you have a trustee, try to describe your problems. You can also present your problems with a good question. Maybe you’ll get a helpful answer. Good luck.
Well, I have to leave otherwise I have to do it because I’m holding it here Ned more
What’s the reason you’re not holding it? You can go away from a place, but not before yourself.
click on the name of the person you want to communicate with. Then a picture appears and below several headings. One of these headings is friendship. Then click and write a short text.
Kp like both are not so long here
Then write it as a personal message or make a friendship request.
I don’t want to write it so clearly here
With your answer “Vieles” I can start as much as you can with my answer “The universe and the rest?”. So, a little more accurate, otherwise I can’t react meaningfully.
? What?
The universe and the rest?
So if I wanted to leave for 1-2 months now. Then my passport, mobile phone, a backpack in hand luggage size with clothes and approx. 4000.Euro
I have so much money
If you are acquainted with acquaintance, of course, it is cheaper. But otherwise the property costs a lot, you want to have something neat. It would be best in Bali for example 2 weeks for 40.- However, the flight to Indonesia is already more expensive.
But that would call home
The safest thing would be to the grandparents, which usually have an open door for the grandchildren, and practically free, to the trip, but can also walk to foot. for 30km you need 6h
Uhh so far I want to go because the home never calls the police directly after one or two days or so
courage, strength, and consciousness that in your life with a blow nothing more as it was. You need to focus on dangers, loneliness, deprivation, unpredictable challenges, hunger, cold, and not know where to set. So don’t you prefer to try to solve the problems you’ve got right now?
No getting out is always the better solution you can do as much as you can’t do otherwise
Wrong, you can’t do anything else you can do. Except of course you have a thick bank account. Otherwise, it’ll be damn hard.
I don’t mean
Very, very much courage. Nowadays, “run” is not so easy. The police will find you safe.
Well, and if I go back and forth
Then you end up in a “closed” facility (is similar to a prison). Believe me – I’ve been doing this several times (more precisely: have to join).
I don’t understand degree
I know that, the (most) want to bend and break only their own ideas – human rights are disturbing.
No one wants to help us here
I believe you right away, because the authorities/judges/maintainers have an incredible space of power that they – in many cases – simply take advantage of to have as little work as possible – the wishes of the person concerned are played down. The other girl just seems to be lucky to be in a somewhat more tolerant environment – but really want to help anyone.
Well, another girl here does it because it’s just shaky here and she’s still here
All right, you’re in the home, you probably have some stress on it, you can imagine it’s still scary….
Sure, get out of here. Have you ever eaten two days? And maybe another girl….you’re lost!! The streets have little pity and the cops are gonna fuck you.
I write it extra stubborn because it will come.
Let you think of something else!
I’ve eaten a week and that bothers me and I’ve stayed out more often
All right, grab a good jacket… you don’t need a WILLEN. Let’s know when you’re back as it was.
Ok bye
Hey, little one, listen well… I was housed in a home for a long time, for a variety of reasons.
I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I can tell you that it’s better to find another &’ more reasonable solution. I would like to help you with it &’ if you have strong problems there you will find solutions for it.
or sm are definitely not one of them. Believe me. There are people who love you, get away with care or in the worst case before mourning. Now everything may seem hopeless, but you can believe me it will be better if you seek help.
I like to write private if you want.
Above all, an accommodation and enough money, unless you want to live on the street and beg…
That’s the problem doesn’t have enough money
I don’t know
Didn’t bring
Then stop tomorrow…
Got my phone in a quarter of an hour more:(
Of course, that would do something: it would make you feel better. Then look for someone to help you, if necessary call the phone care.
Because that’s nix and I don’t have anyone I can talk to or no time has
It would be easier to clarify your problems and change something, but you don’t seem to want to.
When they find me and bring me back, I’ll go back and forth
Everyone needs to eat. You will be searched anyway and then you will be brought back, you will not be able to hide forever.
Better clarify your problems and find other solutions.
I need no food and roof over my head I get with friends
Without money, you don’t have a roof over your head or something to eat! So forget this stupid idea.
But I know how I just want to know what you need anything but money
Toothbrush and toothpaste
What else?