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4 years ago

It is better to distribute the pressure that is exerted over the rein. A horse that shuts the mouth too much has a lot of pressure on the store. Through the nose strap, the bit is more quiet in the mouth, the pressure is distributed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Urlewas

Thanks for the star 💫

4 years ago

Finally, to keep the mouth closed or to limit the movements of the jaw.

The second one cannot deny at least one.

Everything else is also a question of faith… I ride consciously without currently.

The ones say that the horse can take the lower jaw. Others think that the pressure of the bite is distributed around the nose. I’ve never understood how to distribute pressure from something else without direct connection to each other.

4 years ago
Reply to  Punkgirl512

in case of correct strapping (two finger upright) the jaw cannot be limited and the mouth cannot be kept closed.

do you feel a difference whether you ride with or without a reithalft?

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

Oh, so, with limitation and closed, I think it should be prevented from blocking. Quasi large chewing movements and the like are completely restricted.

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

Jein, the border is also on the horse.

With my pony with very little muzzle, I don’t notice any difference and therefore ride without.

The quarter, which was with me for a long time, had a horsetail on it, with 2 fingers, which made some rest, as it had consistently been extremely strong. That’s how he had a limit and I really noticed a difference.

4 years ago

Backing belt is now exactly what you do? Kehl-, Reithalfter (english) or Kinn-NasenRiemen (hannoversch/engl combined oä)

4 years ago

Teeth was checked regularly with him. Saddle fit. Whatever a bite.

In principle, this occurred when it was strongly concentrated. He was full of me, in a wonderful honest idea, and he was so strong. Looks like horses. I’m sorry if you don’t think so.

I didn’t have a bad conscience, the horseneck was overcrowded. The strong chewing was also not gone, but limited. With more training and RH it was also a bit better. My goal was to get out without RH.

4 years ago

in the quarter the problem must have been elsewhere.

the rest is often reached by pressing the baking belt of the reithalfter against the toothed strip. even if only a single small hook is in the area on a tooth, the tooth edge shoves inside on the wange. As long as the horse leaves the maul quiet, it is bearable.

Imagine you’re jamming for a ride between the top teeth and wange and then close the fixed kinen strap from your helmet and then you’re supposed to read a story with a chewing gum in the mouth. it feels so similar for the horse.

and frankly, in practice no one thinks about why the maul is now calmer. you only see the result and then you keep doing it.

4 years ago

if the nasenband is correctly strapped, it almost does nothing. the only thing that happens in a correctly snare nasal belt is a very light massage of the spiky glands. of course they are not on the nose, but on the lower jaw.

saliva formation, saliva flow during riding: How does it happen? – Horse meadow


Unlike the unconditional reflexes. They are triggered by chemo receptors. These are sensor cells specializing in the perception of chemical substances that are transported in the air or dissolved in liquids. They are of great importance for the sense of smell and taste. Mechano receptors, also sensor cells, convert the mechanical forces into nerve excitation. These react to contact. Hot environmental irritations are to be converted into electronic signals so that the central nervous system can process them.

Achenbach-Nasenband or Reithalfter – Forum

of which:

Just worked through the new St. Georg yesterday and found a very exciting article by Martin Plewa on the topic of riding-necks, proper seat and functionality. This was once again an occasion to make the bridge hit our sport and the question why do we actually do it differently than the riders? Or did I get something wrong or explained?

Plewa raises the somewhat bold assertion that the sensible mode of action of each bone in the horse maul must be vaccinated without a horsetailer and only produces resistance or discomfort. In summary, he says that the horse can only recognize, positively accept and repel the reins as such by the pressure of the riding neck on the back of the nose and/or the lower jaw. Whether in trens or candarence foaming.

Our Achenbach-Nasenband is also individually adjustable to the anatomy of the respective horse due to the different passages, but it is nevertheless strapped so far that one cannot speak of a combination effect together with the bite on the mouth. On the whole, it is only necessary to keep the jaw pieces parallel to the yoke leg and thus to enable the canal to provide the best possible lever. Since the noseband can be connected to the jaw pieces, in contrast to the equestrian necklace, and no interaction can take place. That is to say, the kandare acts completely alone and independently on the mouth and at the most produces a pressure on the neck, to which the horse is inclined downwards.

He’s right.

note: in the case of the head piece, the nasen band runs through the baking belt divided at this point.

a nasenband used the old assyrians. but they rode on the crouch of the horse and led the crooks of the bite between the ears of the horse and over the neck.

there the nasenband or reithalfter served to bring the hoist together and prevent the bite from being pulled too far into the upper jaw of the horse. in the assyrians the bite did not act on the lade, but on the upper jaw.

the nasenband has the same function when using a lift. where, of course, the elevator is like all the others helpful.

here again about the spiking:

4 years ago

The nose strap is there to limit the horse more or less in its movements. Say the horse can’t just spit out his bite or open his mouth. It also protects the horse from dangerous injuries in the mouth & teething area.

I hope the answer was helpful!

4 years ago
Reply to  fragendesVanni

not really.

for the effect described by you, this is lacking. physics and so…

4 years ago
Reply to  fragendesVanni

You seem like a sperm.

4 years ago

I don’t know. I’m not riding with nosebands. I know some reasons why a noseband should be good for a horse. They don’t convince me.

But I’m convinced he’s being used because MAN uses it. All of you do, and all of you do, must be right.

4 years ago

It ensures a more stable position of the bite and distributes the pressure on the bite and nose backs

4 years ago
Reply to  Shiraunddati


physically not possible, since the reithalfter is attached to the nickel.

Perhaps the reithalfter is used to hold the locking strap.

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

does not have any sper straps

4 years ago

Is also the question of what you can do on tournaments

4 years ago

In the past, the heads were also different – there were Hannover’s horsenecks because the muzzle was long enough. But there were also used to delight real English riding halters.

Micklem has been there for over 10 years, was at the beginning zero shadyped. Finally, it’s just a combined horsetail.

4 years ago

From me again, but I don’t know that there are micklem or a Mexican for more than 40 years. Because hennoveraic is too deep and the others all too high

4 years ago

Meanwhile? You mean “again.”

4 years ago

Is there that when a horse has hurt. it only the pain of the noseband spürt and remains calm

4 years ago
Reply to  ProfessorWolfi

Unfortunately, this is a wrong search if the horse has hurt it shouldn’t be trained… The nose strap is about the nose
Horse Before the Pain to SHOPS xD

4 years ago
Reply to  ProfessorWolfi

rarely read so complete stupid.

Where did you do that?

4 years ago
Reply to  ProfessorWolfi

But there’s a lot of imagination – and there’s little idea… 😉