What does quantum theory prove?
Quantum theory proves that you never die!
Have you ever considered the possibility of eternal life? Quantum theory claims that none of us truly die. Perhaps after our physical death, we even travel through a multiverse, whose dimensions are known in some cultures as the world of the gods.
The quantum theory proves nothing!
She tries to interpret observations/measurements, on findings is sometimes concluded, often also by strangers, it is speculation, no more and no less.
That certainly does not do quantum theory. Quantum theory does not seem completely impossible at most.
Bullshit. The hypotheses are simply completely inadmissible and unscientific for as long as they are spun on with pure word logic, so that anyone who does not realize with his death can ONE themselves to live forever. There is no need for quantum theory. There is every traditional religion and fiction of a soul.
Complete nonsense, even in the video, is not shown that quantum physics proves such a thing. Only very abstract allegations and theories are set up and these are swung together with a few sentences – pure word logics but nothing really material. I can also separate similar things by combining the words “energy, quantum, waves, ether, subtlety, information, …” with blurred sentences as desired.
Pros: Beautiful pictures are shown.
No. There is no more to say. This is complete, rough, unwiss garbage. Bullshit, nonsense, stupid stuff.
This whole esoteric crap has nothing to do with science. Since people are usually concerned with the absolutely nothing of quantum physics with a subject that they cannot understand and then, based on it, prepare some crazy idea. And as the fewest people do quantum physics, many do not notice what kind of nonsense is told. And if you mix a lot of scientifically sounding term (uhhh, quantum, uhh, waves, uhhh energy) some are already impressed and think there is something.
It’s just a lie. It’s a total redness, nothing else.