What do you prefer more in a restaurant?

You are sitting in a restaurant or cafe, where should your partner sit in front of you or next to you at the table?

I asked the people around me this question and most of them said in front of you in the cafe and next to you in the restaurant.

How do you see it?

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1 year ago

Opposite when we’re two. You can talk better and keep eye contact. If we’re at the table with several. This is more beautiful for general communication at the table.

1 year ago

If it’s just a known one, then next to it. But if it really is the partner or the partner, then it’s always before that one has eye contact at times, because that is, in my opinion, the main reason why one goes to a restaurant for two. It’s not eating in itself, it’s the loneliness that you just take something together.

In most cafes I go there are no seats, you stand at a table and drink something.

1 year ago

Opposite. I feel more comfortable. I can’t justify it.

1 year ago

To keep seeing them.

1 year ago

So if I go to dinner alone with my partner, we’ll sit opposite each other. If we go with others to eat (e.g. friend or family) then we sit next to each other.

1 year ago

My friend and I sit in the cafe and in the restaurant.

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1 year ago

Opposite. I want to see the other in the eyes

The eye contact is one of the most meaningful and decisive gestures in our nonverbal communication. And whether we want or not – our eyes betray in contact with others as much as we stand to our counterpart. For good reason we focus on the eyes and the whole face in the first contact with another person

1 year ago

To see her in her eyes while talking.

1 year ago

We usually sit opposite.