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Burger King is just disgusting. Several times tried, at different shops, but it does not taste at the front and back. But McDonalds is simple
I find the Pommes more delicious and there are more vegetarian burgers. Whether they are really vegetarian is the second thing…
I’d rather go to the Dönerladen, which is also very good or some good restaurant near me
If that’s what it’s supposed to be, then there’s a very normal snack bar nearby.
is the subway?
Too expensive, too unhealthy, too meat-loaded…
I prefer that.
Burger King has the more crusty pommes and more vegan/vegetarian choice.
The one that has been deliberately replaced by meat. Team Wallraff look…
Oh, yeah, that docu. But if I don’t want meat, I don’t eat cut meat.
I don’t want death and animal quality, not without meat. That would be like to say, “Don’t drink lactose-free milk if you don’t have milk. That’s not real. You shouldn’t drink that. Don’t give up.”
For me not edible!!
I prefer “Deichgöttins Gourmet Imbiss”
But you only get a place to make reservations… 😊
Right – but there are exceptions made with friends. Especially in those who have dogs :-))
I very much like to quote both
I’d have to get a punishment in there for me.