Was benutzt ihr als Verhütungsmittel?


mich würde es interessieren was ihr für Verhütungsmittel benutzt.

Mene Freundin und ich immer kondome da sie die pille nicht nimmt und auch das nicht wollen würde da sie meint das die Pille die homeone manipuliert und es sehr viele Nebenwirkungen gibt.

Was benutzt ihr?

Habt ihr Erfahrung mit der Pille und waren es gute oder schlechte?

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2 years ago

Condoms… a pregnancy would no longer come into question at our age and a vasectomy was once in the room as a thought…. but has not been pursued yet.

I used to take the pill a while (sometimes for 3 months with 16, then no longer because I didn’t want to go back to this terrible female doctor for the next pack). And then with 20 for almost a year (as my then partner allegedly did not manage condoms).

For me, taking pills meant panic when I was over for an hour with the next pill, constant fear of thrombosis (because this is a topic that concerns so some of my family of origin and accordingly there is also the risk with me).

2 years ago
Reply to  NoahNot

At least I don’t.

Others might have good experiences with this. But for me personally, there are more negative points than positive.

Most of the time I’ve always left myself on condoms

2 years ago

pill for 15 years (but mainly due to endometriosis)

Otherwise condoms.

Since 7 years, however, there is no fixed binding

2 years ago

What are you using as a contraceptive?

If I were in a relationship, then condoms as I am single and also have no intimate contacts, I don’t see any reason for any contraception.

2 years ago

The pills are hormones, so they are not only manipulated, but they bring the whole hormone balance together and have real bad side effects. I didn’t want sex anymore because of the pill, and that’s not the worst thing that can happen. Can even lead to thromboses and to a stroke

I am sterilized because I definitely never want children (I am 32 )

2 years ago

If it should be hormone-free, I know the most secure method is the copper spiral or copper chain.

Advantages: you don’t have to worry about anything in everyday life. Security somewhat worse than that of the pill, so pretty good.

Disadvantages: You pay them yourself, that hurts and the period can become stronger. The seat should be regularly controlled (runs by ultrasound).

If necessary, make tests on diseases if you want to leave the condom away. Condoms are the only contraceptive that protects against diseases.

My experiences with the pill.. That’s ridiculous. Very annoying. You have to think about it every day. The panic, if I forgot, I really don’t miss it. If I ever stop hormonal again, then with sticks or hormonal spiral.

2 years ago

If she thinks the pill would manipulate her hormone balance, then she’s completely right and then you have a great woman.
I prevent NFP from using Sensiplan, i.e. the Symptothermal methods using Trackle. And in the fruitful phase with condoms

2 years ago

Nothing because I don’t have sex.

If I had any, my wife would use copper/hormone spiral!

2 years ago
Reply to  NoahNot

No only would I choose the copper chain if possible or the copper spiral. Holds 3-5 years depending on the model and is comparatively favorable. Had a copper spiral. Ne hormone spiral acts exactly the same as the pill, not recommended

2 years ago
Reply to  NoahNot

If my wife had GV with me, we would have it regularly. Is it practical? Or I’d let my testicles swoop.

2 years ago

Condoms for 17 years.

Okay, I supplement, with 20 we had tried the pill for a few months. That’s why I have Hashimoto for 16 years now and I’m fat like a yeast palat and have some more or less fun health problems.

2 years ago


2 years ago


Because of the pills I almost died