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5 months ago

Hello Spongebo39950,

I can’t judge what’s behind your suicide idea! To find out what is wrong with you, a visit to the doctor can be very helpful. This could be your pediatrician, who may be you a specialist or a specialist. Therapists can transfer.

It is important that you take your thoughts and feelings seriously and take something as quickly as possible! Since you’re still young, it would be important to talk to your parents about it openly.Maybe they can help you better than you think right now!

Don’t expect too much during the first conversation! If parents are faced for the first time with their child having suicidal thoughts, it may be that they first want to harmless or not true. Therefore, a number of calls are probably necessary for a conversation in order to reach their understanding and compassion. I can’t judge whether this works with your parents. But wouldn’t it be worth a try?

Many young people unfortunately make the mistake that they give up too early and give their parents no real chance. And when conversations are set immediately after a failure, they also take the chance to have someone on their side who has interest in them and actually wants to help them.

In no case is it good to eat everything in itself! If you’re worried, you just need someone who can listen well and think into the situation of others. Even with someone who takes one seriously to talk about his feelings can have a healing effect!

In addition, there are official places you can contact. A very common crisis hotline is the Telephone care. Here you speak not with a “Seelsorger”, but with professionally trained people who can speak and answer people in various crises. Here are three numbers you can choose:

  • 0800 – 111 0 111
  • 0800 – 111 0 222
  • 0800 – 111 0 333 (for children / youth)

If you don’t get through there at once, try it at different times! It may be that these numbers are overloaded at peak times.

Also anonymous and free (from the mobile phone and the mains) is the Number against number: 116 111. The telephone hours are from Monday to Saturday from 14.00 to 20.00. And here there is one Overview of emergency emergency services:

As you see, you are not left alone with your problems! You may initially consider it difficult to impossible to talk to someone about your problems. But if you notice that your interlocutor understands you, it may be easier for you to open yourself. And once the ice is broken, you may feel it very easier to have told you to someone!

I don’t know how you stand, but if you believe in God, you might also help the following thought: God sees exactly what you have to fight, and you are not indifferent to him! You might think, how can you be sure? The Bible says, “You have seen my misery. You know my great grief” (Psalm 31:7).

But does God only watch if we suffer and do nothing? Certainly not. He assures those who turn to him in faith: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I’m your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will truly hold you with my right hand of justice” (Isaiah 41:10). Isn’t that a gripping thought?

I wish you will soon find a way out of the crisis and you can be happy again! And remember that people are there who can help and want you! So you’re not alone! All good and great strength!

LG Philipp

5 months ago

Search for professional help.

5 months ago

It’s hard, everyone who was or is aware of that, but you can always only guess talking to someone, spilling his heart and not being alone.

This answer is not the typical “go to psychic” answer.

If you’re in the rain, get someone who can hold you an umbrella, and that doesn’t have to be a therapist.

5 months ago
Reply to  Spongebo39950

If there is no one in the private environment to whom you can trust, go to the family doctor, for example

5 months ago

Get help, trust parents or siblings or good friends.


5 months ago

You survived all your worst days. Every time you thought that can’t get better, it got better.

Talk to your family doctor about it and find a psychologist.

5 months ago
Reply to  Spongebo39950

If he has a psychology training, yes. But openness is important in the subject. And you have to be honest. Often there is a lack. Lack of friends, love or other can be a reason.

5 months ago

Call 08001110111 or 08001110222. Talk to a familiar or call the ambulance.

5 months ago
Reply to  Spongebo39950


5 months ago

Then take one of the other options.

5 months ago

You should look for help