Was begünstigt eine Psychose beim Kiffen?
Wenn ich anfange das erste Mal zu kiffen, worauf muss ich achten? Bei welchen Menschen ist das Risiko hoch, eine Psychose zu bekommen?
Wenn ich anfange das erste Mal zu kiffen, worauf muss ich achten? Bei welchen Menschen ist das Risiko hoch, eine Psychose zu bekommen?
Was kostet eine Stange Zigaretten in Polen? Meine Schwester ist Raucherin und ich würde ihr gerne ein paar Stangen schenken. Mit welchen Kosten müsste ich da rechnen? LG
Ich leide wohl unter paranoide Schizophrenie heißt,dass ich schwer krank bin. Kann ich mit der Diagnose überhaupt als Rechtsanwalt zugelassen werden?
Hab sie am 26 gegen 14 uhr in ein glas wasser geschmissen, in videos ist nach 2 tagen bereits immer viel mehr gekeimt. Sind die Samen einfach schrott oder ist das normal?
Ich werde morgen um 9 Uhr operiert ab wann darf ich nicht mehr rauchen ?
In people who generally have a genetic disposition for psychosis or schizophrenia. How do you know you have such a disposition? To be sure, you’d have to have a genetic test beforehand. If you have people suffering from schizophrenia or drug psychosis in the relationship, you should better leave it with the cannabis or with the THC.
Age also plays a role. Psychiatrists advise all people under the age of 21 from cannabis (except for the recommendation are, for example, people with tourette syndrome). Some even set the limit to 25 years because of the unfinished brain development.
Kiffen is generally unhealthy because of the combustion. It would be better to steam cannabis. THC is always a risk. It would only be healthier to consume CBD.
With illegal cannabis from the street, you can never be sure what’s really in it. The ratio of CBD to THC plays an important role, as the CBD can absorb harmful, psychoactive influences from THC.
CBD in smokeable form is illegal in Germany
CBD can also be bought as an oil or high-dose paste, which is quite expensive.
Smoking is never a good idea. If, then vape.
a study has shown that cannabis smoke is not really harmful to the lungs, the lung capacity is not reduced and even people suffering from asthma can make the asthma better
Smoke means combustion. Incinerators are poisonous and do not belong to the lungs!
Steaming is much healthier.
I vape since couple weeks and bg I can’t run 200 meters also in school sports
Payed by Hemp Industries?
Oh, the “Stern”, how serious…
The final sample consisted of 72 subjects presenting with primary concerns of anxiety (n = 47) or poor sleep (n = 25). Anxiety scores slim within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and absent during the study duration. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time. In this chart review, CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 patients.
Preliminary clinical trials thus support the efficacy of CBD as an anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and antidepressant, and more importantly, a positive risk-benefit profile. These promising results support the development of large-scale studies to further evaluate CBD as a potential new drug for the treatment of these psychiatric disorders.
Cannabis active ingredient CBD: “Business with human psyche” | STERN.de
You’ve posted this before and I told you I don’t look at YouTube videos as an explanation!
ONLY in written form, preferably scientific studies or scientific treaties. And these prove the effect of CBD.
Auto suggestion.
So Lifestyle-CBD really works (or not) | ZDF Magazine Royale – YouTube
That’s bullshit.
I used it myself against overstimulation and sleep problems. It can also help against pain.
CBD is effective in some forms of epilepsy. For healthy persons, CBD (no matter what form) is ineffective or only effective in the rank of placebo and autosuggestion.
Mostly you have to have the appropriate genetics for it. But there are factors that can influence this. For example, if you’re mentally prestressed and then you’ll be able to develop a psychosis. Generally, if you have problems. But even then, there are other consequences that can occur if you are too busy or tricked every day. The effects are manifold.
If you’re still young, you’re aware that it affects your brain development.
The term “psychosis through cannabis” is an overstretched word.
Anyone who learns to handle cannabis correctly from the outset, i.e. finds their own ideal dosage in small steps, will have no problems with cannabis, unless he/she himself already has corresponding (mental) pre-disorders.
Good help to avoid errors in dealing with cannabis “noise sign” from Wurth and Geyer.
You realize that you can do massive health damage in mentally ill and unstable people with such recommendations?!
THC contained in cannabis can be extremely harmful.
I’m really sorry you can play “expert” here…
The “expert status” is awarded by the admins.
I have been a member of the Working Group for Cannabis as Medicine (Google) since 2001 and was 9 years Stellv. Spokesperson of the Self-help Network Cannabis as Medicine (Google).
Where can I find something Yours References that proves you medically at CBD? Or is your only reference that you tried CBD once and you had the impression that it helps?
Scientific studies:
“Tell me who finances the study, and I’ll tell you how the study’s result is.
CBD in medical quality for sick people (depressive, psychotic etc.) is a different taste than CBD oil or smokeable/vape-capable CBD, i.e. simple use hemp (possibly still mixed with pesticides) for healthy people.
But I’m glad you benefited from it.
The CBD industry is also allowed to benefit further.
Similar to the HHC industry currently does.
The final sample consisted of 72 subjects presenting with primary concerns of anxiety (n = 47) or poor sleep (n = 25). Anxiety scores slim within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and absent during the study duration. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time. In this chart review, CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 patients.
Preliminary clinical trials thus support the efficacy of CBD as an anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and antidepressant, and more importantly, a positive risk-benefit profile. These promising results support the development of large-scale studies to further evaluate CBD as a potential new drug for the treatment of these psychiatric disorders.
Yeah, it’s getting worse here…
That’s the worse that you’re spreading such a bullshit here and threatening people health…
Read some scientific studies on CBD rather than referring to YouTube or the “Stern”…
It can happen if you have a genetic predisposition and at the moment of crucified, are not mentally solidified, so unstable.
If you are generally very frightened and paranoid, then the ciff can strengthen these feelings and trigger a psychosis.
duration and intensity. My uncle crawled away the brain in 40 years.
…a good advice would be to end the ciff forever to a psychosis
get it!