Was bedeutet “zerritten” im Zusammenhang mit dem Pferdesport?
Guten Morgen,
wir haben alle das Drama um Annika Schleu und “Saint Boy” mitbekommen. Es wurde erwähnt, dass das Pferd “zerritten” sei. Was aber bedeutet das?
“Saint Boy” ist doch ein Turnierpferd, welches systematisch über viele Jahre genau auf diese Wettbewerbe vorbereitet wird. Warum ist das Pferd jetzt “zerritten”?
Paul Schockemöhle ist mit “Deister” doch auch an unzähligen Wettbewerben an den Start gegangen und hatte genauso oft Gold, Silber, etc. abgeräumt. Auch “Deister” war ja kein Roboter, sondern Schockemöhle musste ihn wohl auch jedes Mal auf ein Neues auf den Parcours heranführen.
Heißt “zerritten”, dass das Pferd den Reiter auf einmal nicht mehr akzeptiert, seine Anweisungen nicht mehr befolgt, Hindernisse verweigert und ihn auf einmal abwirft. Was wird jetzt aus “Saint Boy”. Kommt der auf seinen Heimathof und wird langsam wieder aufgebaut oder ist er für immer für den Springreitsport verbrannt?
Vielleicht kann das jemand von Euch erläutern?
Become a Modern Five Fight sufficient to satisfying sports horses but not the horses that can withstand in performance and character with the horses of the top riders, in the “normal” riding sports.
The five fighters can ride “all” in level A / L / some M!
The five-fight is a “military sport” originally from the time the soldier had to ride. That’s why a horse is getting lean, he only has 20 minutes to adapt to the horse. Originally, it was the horse that became too east and it goes! Here the rider should prove that he can provide a minimum performance with every horse. A soldier cannot choose his horse. It is often necessary to use prey horses.
Here are some odds met: The horse was already well loaded with the situation of the tournament.
The lady from Russia hasn’t heard a horse. With the horse only Murks delivered. The horse was thus so burdened that a reaction to the help of the rider would no longer be adequate.
Annika Schleu had to start with this horse, which was already on the last track of patience and equanimity. So the reaction to Mrs Schleu’s help was more likely to grow through to no longer sufficient.
Ms. Schleu touched the horse “harder”, but this led only to the tearing of the horse’s patience. Also remember that the wife Schleu himself was down on the tires and no longer able to offer the horse the speech clearly and thoroughly as the horse needed. To get it back on track.
Ms. Schleu has only given incongruent help for the horse. I guess everyone has seen the result here.
Here is the weak point of the five fight, the riders cannot ride well enough and or the horses are usually not good enough or have deficiencies.
Distorted in this case: The horse was not optimally suited, the Russian had already rocked the horse from the mental level in terms of patience to such an extent that the woman Schleu had already had to adjust very well to the horse.
However, as she also knew that this horse is not easy, the pressure at Ms. Schleu increased, which in turn led to a limited view of the horse, which led to unfavorable riding, this deprived the horse the last skills and it is escalated.
Future of the Horse: You should see the horse in 14 days if you worked with him every day. It can be that this horse shows its achievements under his regular rider without further correction. So it will continue to run seamlessly in sports.
If there is an increased correction requirement, one must see if one is willing to stand on the horse. It costs money and whether the original services justify this effort. Just like the usability without correction. So it can come back to the sport or disappear into the recreational sports.
If the horse is no longer usable without correction, even as a recreational horse, it is also thought about a killing of the horse, with this horse would find enough Wendys who would donate for this horse that it could get a 1a luxury stable until the end of his life.
Top explanation, thank you very much for this excellent analysis!
Thank you for your comments! How do you see that? Isn’t horse sports in the highest performance class of extreme ambition? Hasn’t there been the practice of barren for too long? So the punishment of the horses in case of jumping errors and the connection pain – in case of inferior performance? Perhaps this thought is still prevalent in jumping. I already believe that Schockemöhle, Beerbaum, Sloothaak have a partnership with their tournament horses. But I also think that in them they see vehicles for the way to the treppchen, gold, silver, bronze. Then they may see that the Irish Equipe train their horses harder, take them harder and thus possibly have more success. That’s how I imagine, please correct me if I’m completely wrong.
No in the highest performance class, the horses have a value and you don’t want to heat it, as a team is already working on the horse optimally.
At that time, however, it was not forbidden or not banned in all international associations. Of course, some of these measures have continued to take place, even though they were already in Germany.
Why not, horses always belong to the farm animals. This is why Germany is so strong in the riding shop, because of the riding regulations H.Dv.12 which shows how to get really done with horses. It also originates in the riding for the military. The entire sporty riding shop comes from the military competition.
Wendy has a sporting success, we pack our horse in cotton and are still successful, made with a heart horse.
What do you think so many recreational horses are so cheap? Just because nobody wants them! Too bad for sport! Is like with the thick, clumsy child in school sports, which was always the last in the selection.
Unfortunately, the private “breeding” of horses is allowed again in Germany, which was not for free for decades. You wanted to get rifled horses and not a ballast you could not use!
Not a few ridemasters from the past would turn 50 % of the horses into the sausage immediately because the horses are nothing. Physical or mental defects are not rare.
These “defect” horses are then simply demanded too much in the hobby tournament, why are so many horses in classes E or A just finished on the tires? It is jumped with horses with degenerative processes and so much more. Even with cold blossoms some riders jump in the hobby area.
Also the choice of the gear is strange to many hobby eggs, heating is the motto of time.
Semi-turning riders are often a nightmare. No money for real Horses (real sports horses without deficiencies, well-established are currently at about 75 000 euros entrance ), but really high targets. Some unfitting animals are heated in a season. We talk here from level E / A / L to the M. It is particularly bad in the years where you still need parents. They often drive in addition. The money must be worth it. At least the city master must be.
in the five fight, it is not a horse sport of the highest performance class.
you mean the france sloothaak and the paul? who, at the time, have awakened that one can challenge the horses by barren supreme powers? the two… ps has had this relationship only to a single horse – and that only because the horse was like him.
most Irish riders (also the international top riders) place their horses by the way to regenerate on the grazing in the groups. at any season and at any weather. and the earths also like to train in the grounds and go there over ground obstacles. the horses are more balanced, inner “robuster”. you can address them differently. denser to their natural instincts. they don’t lose the nerves so fast.
The horse was not prepared for such a competition, or was able to meet the requirements. I have already seen the horse under the Russian, you have already seen that the horse was simply overwhelmed with the situation, with the stadium, with the atmosphere and the foreign rider. I used to go some M-spinning with horse exchange.
It is difficult and not recommended
If you have a horse with a will and a certain training in jumping behind you, you can do it quite well, but at Olympia you can get a horse by lot process is basically too much for horse and rider. Just because horse and rider do not have the level they should have in order to be able to reasonably contest such a competition.
I always find foreign horse tournaments interesting and fun.
But it is something completely different to ride with your own horse M or S!
But in the year I ride dozens of very different horses and so that is normal for me.
I don’t think that’s the idea with the drum. Only should the Richerturm react more and take horses off the competition. Especially when the first run already goes against the wall, it is a surprise for horse and rider.
My riding school horses with a sufficient level have already stopped, but they have always delivered well, but they are also used to daily rider changes. But if a horse had taken away from the competition in the first run. Do not need the horse and the rider does not.
It’s interesting. I was sorry for the other riders who had to ride my horse. You really have to trust me to take your legs. Jumping on his own it is often hard for strangers to stay up, and I have met enough riders who can ride my horse because they themselves ride S and know such horses, but between can and want is another difference. Know just as many who don’t want to ride my horse though they could.
I wouldn’t make my horse available for that. Since the five-combat riders do not have to ride such a horse. You need well-trained and at the same time dear horses.
Thank you.
Shock-emoe was never small! He could always rely on quite wide connections and possibilities!
Sports halls often have only one relationship. At the right time, they enable enough money to buy the right horses. The network to horse dealers / intermediaries also wants to be maintained. A premium for a top horse of EUR 20 000 is paid for the tip!
Small beginnings end as regional celebrity, rarely in the national midfield, even less at the top of the national teams.
Hello StRiW, I find your remarks very interesting and also like to take them up to learn from connoisseurs and form my opinion.
How can you imagine the rise of a sports horse farm like that of the shock-emoe? So either one has greenland, feed for excellent hay, riding hall, paddock, outdoor space and then starts with good Holsteiner, Trakehner Hannoveraner material to continuously raise something big over the years/years. Or you have the corresponding millions in your pocket and buy everything: horse material, beer and tournament rider. But you have to start small in the beginning. A small tournament at Bad Segeberg, then many tournaments in the surrounding area, Holsteiner Landesmeister and then you might be so far that you get to the Dt. ranking and go to the big tournaments: Hamburg-Klein Flottbek, Aachen, then European competitions, Hickstead, then worldwide Calgary etc. and as crowning Olympia. Well, at least I imagine that, I don’t know if it’s realistic. What do you mean?
The Irish were just an example. I have no idea how to train the Irish. Thanks for the explanation!
In the modern five fight, the big problem is that no own horses are ridden. Anyone who makes his horse available from the vicinity of the Olympic venue will have a premium of about € 1,000. It only has to run proven course of this requirement. A horse is assigned to a rider by lot and then 20 min time to get to know each other. Can’t actually work because a stadium is another house number than a jumping place where the horse runs with its owners otherwise tournament – and then with two foreign riders one after the other.
To make the horse understand what the rider wants from him, it is necessary (good) communication. This is done through so-called help. If a horse does not react (more) to this help, because it was roughly touched and thus dulled, it was ridden by bad riders who were incomprehensible for the horse in their help, it was linked to riding with fear/pain/abundance, it is also said “father”. I think that’s what I mean, I don’t know the word “taught” personally.
In the 5 fight, riding is just a partial discipline. To this end, this gloomy system of horse relief, so horse riders meet couples who don’t even know each other. Therefore you can compare the 0 with a Paul Schockemöhle or other jumping, dressage, versatility riders, as they prepare for competitions with their own horses. And focus exclusively on riding. Thus, a) is a completely different (confidence) base zw. Horse and (b) there is a correspondingly wide range of possibilities. Both in the 5 fight not the case.
What happens to a horse like Saint Boy is difficult to assess, its tournament career is certainly over. Unfortunately, there are people who, after such “precipitations”, sleep in such animals, there is not long fried. If he’s lucky, he goes somewhere as a leisure horse.
Thank you for your class response! I don’t care. Once again, if we take the horse-sports stable of shock as an example. An alwin or Paul Schockemöhle would go into such a high-class tournament with his equipe with several horses. Shouldn’t be Olympia, Derby could be in Hamburg, CHIO Aachen or whatever. So with at least 3 jumping horses, which are prepared by the rider and perhaps also preparers (so someone who may have regular jumping exams in the hall or outskirts) for the tournament. Then Paul Schockemöhle rides his decisive course. Before, he might choose “Deister”, because of which the veterinarian makes a blood test – Top lactate values – “Deister” will do it. Or Paul Schockemöhle looks at the obstacles, many oxers behind each other, I prefer to take my 9-year-old Holsteinerwallach. I don’t know how this is going on tournaments, maybe you can say something about it. How to imagine the operation of a modern tournament stage? I’m an absolute layman. A racing stable has its excellent horse material, builds on Hanoveraner, Holsteiner or buys the corresponding top performance horses together and has the corresponding riders under contract. Franke Sloothaak goes for example for the Stall Schockemöhle (when he is contracted with him, he gets a premium/price-dependent remuneration), with him Ludger Beerbaum – formerly “Bereiter” and then tournament rider. They’ll all go to the start for shock. The return of investment is then international prices and the corresponding increase in the value of the tournament horses. With an Olympic victory, “Deister” gets an enormous increase in value and shock-emoehle can sell his cum for a fortune. Did I really realize that?
If he’s lucky, he goes somewhere as a leisure horse.
In Japan???
People all over the world want to buy him and “save, there’s gonna be something nice…
I have actually ridden some jumps with horse swapping it is possible but basically I find it difficult. If you’re driving with a good jumping power down below you want to get the course through with some luck even without any discs.
But the athletes as well as the horses who participate in the 5 fight do not have this training as a jumping horse at M level usually not. And even if they had such a thing, I still find it in big tournaments like Olympic European Championships or World Championships, there is an unding the horse and rider just 20 minutes to get to know each other. That even for the professionals would be almost a thing of impossibility to ride a course rationally.
I hope for the horse.
Our riding school once bought such a “distorted” horse. It had gone S-Springen and at the end of his career no longer walked through a water trench, just blew.
It was the most dreamlike training horse, but you could get it bad if you annoyed him by trying to push through a little stubbornly, then he went into the fighting mode and there he was better than S-Springreiter. Better a little other exercise between and then again the unloved and it worked well.
This horse in the tournament was already wooded by the incapable rider with the forefoot-root joints against an obstacle (what does hell hurt) after that it no longer wanted, is understandable. A jumping horse must trust to the extent that it gets proper signals for jumping, otherwise it becomes very painful. When you look at the whole five-combat riding, you can see such dear horses that still jump, even though their riders hinder them like unbalanced flour bags with rough hands. This horse had already had a lower neck, that it probably goes much with pushed back, also a pain symptom.
you have something that was not a drama. unportable behavior can be accused of annika schleu. because the judge has not stopped the start.
Why do you put in such competition responsible judges, which is obviously completely unaffected by practice?
saint boy is a horse from the surroundings of the venue. poorly trained, annoyingly not suitable for such competitions. presumably the journey in the transporter has enough for this horse.
if I should appreciate how old this is horse on the basis of the abundant pictures, I would say 6, at most 7 years old. but more than 6 years. the horse once opened the maul very nicely that the tooth situation of the tangs is recognizable. the other two tangs are not yet amendedvalen place. they are still walking.
the horse on the picture is about 7. the gap is about half as wide as that of saint boy. the middle tangs are perpendicular to one another.
Should you really expose horses that are not yet 8 years old to such extreme situations?
norbert koofs fire, with five years olympiagold won, was already flat with 8. Today a five-year horse in such jumps is no longer allowed to start.
yes – deister… how good you mention him… I’m just putting a five-footer in front of me on deister, of those who got into the five fight, no one would have managed to climb up and rebel.
deister, first-class dressurzug had his very own ideas of jumping. and simply would have been a very good idea on the horse.
I saw him jumping live. I didn’t want to have it, and ps just kept it because nobody wanted it.
and if there was a horse on this world that you did not have to lead to the course, then deister. one had to stop him from turning a second round in the course.
in the hands of a free-time rider, deister would have gone before his fifth year of life as unreadable to the slaughter. a very good free-time rider had bought him for a walk and then just handed him out because he didn’t get clear with him.
and with deister ps went decent because he knew otherwise the return carriage would come. he also trained him himself because otherwise the more willing would have run away.
if you mention shocking, then the horses of bruder alwin. warwick, donald and the robber…
tormented that the horse no longer reacts because it could not be convinced in its unwillingness, because it was not able to trust the russian before, because it might have met a single rider in his life, because no clear help came because the riders could not convince this horse because they made it unwilling.
the horse was really angry. it acted like a zebra. breaking through this adrenalin tunnel of the horse is almost impossible. a person with the same adrenalin and cortisol content in the blood, is long since dead in this phase.
but also tormented, the cooperation of the horse destroyed.
I think this horse has been tried before. there are some who don’t work, and they will react as much as saint boy once a not so strong rider sits in the saddle.
what happens to such a horse in japan?
not much. there are not many profi riders in japan who are able to correct such a horse, and so will probably prove to be an inexperience for the free time area – as a school horse you will probably not need it. and in japan there are hardly any people who keep a horse out of fun at the joy.
japan is a country in which the racehorses, when they arrive at 4 or 5 from the track, in which are usually driven directly from the training stable to the metzger. so far there is exactly one parable for horses in japan. there are disassembled full-blooded.
I hope saint boy will be saved in a lonely box and you are so gracious to redeem him or put him in the tokioter zoo. it would not be soooo bad for him either.
for the dressur he is not to need and he probably won’t jump anymore. everyone who tries to jump with this horse again plays with his life.
in European five-competition competitions the sportsmen travel with their own horse. in asia there is the problem with the entry regulations. I mean, the riders wouldn’t have contact with other sportsmen…
the five fighters already.
I mean, there’s something about epidemics and stuff.
Thank you for your helpful comment. I am an absolute layman and have nothing to do with horses and am therefore grateful for any clarification to make me a better picture of jumping.
but at least you have really interest and informed yourself your possibilities accordingly.
askers with the intention that is behind you have become a rare thing.
I know. I’ve been following a pilot. A super jumping horse, but also a very flirty horse. Especially for foreigners!
I used years to get along with him. He could jump high-rises as a foal, but riding the horse in the course was not easy for me at the beginning.
As far as I know, a controversial horse is one that has been “chaputted” by too much sport. As you write yourself, horses are not robots and also for their joints the constant riding and jumping is exhausting. At some point, the joints are worn out so that the horse can no longer participate in tournaments without there being a significant risk of it being injured.
That’s wrong. “disputed” means that a horse by a bad or hard rider no longer understands the help a rider gives. Why are all suddenly “Pferdeexperts” now?
Then thank you for the clarification. However, that I am an expert, I have nowhere near claimed. Big word in the wrong place
Yeah, all right. Only this incident mean many to be suddenly. There’s something suspicious.
This is not comparable. “Dreister” is the horse of Paus Schockenmöhle.
“Saint Boy” is the horse that Annika Schleu was awarded at the 5th fight in Olympics 2020. “Saint Boy” is not a competition party, so it is simply unsuitable as a tournament horse. To this end, one must know that training and a tournament are very different. In the tournament there are audiences, unknown terrain and in the case of the 5 fight there is also a completely unknown zugelost rider.