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2 months ago

A task is a data type that represents a task that can be completed at an unknown time and can also optionally return a result with another data type. This could also happen immediately or never, it could also be thrown an exception, so the task fails.

You can use a task to initiate a task running in the background, parallel to other tasks, and also wait until this task is completed if necessary.

There is also the async await syntax, which is also strongly connected with tasks. Comparable concepts are available in many languages.

Your task would be to look for a guide, for example to async await, or to read the official docu, because there is enough on the Internet.

2 months ago

Task is a class that provides methods for creating tasks and the task currently represents such a task. With Task.Run(MyMethod) for example, you can start a task that the method My method paralel to the caller. This is also cumbersome for asynchronous programming, which goes much deeper.

lg Suiram1