Was bedeutet Squawk 7700 bei Flightradar24?
Ich würde gerne wissen was es bedeutet wenn bei einem Flugzeug auf Flightradar 24 Squawk 7700 steht?
Ich würde gerne wissen was es bedeutet wenn bei einem Flugzeug auf Flightradar 24 Squawk 7700 steht?
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Pilots can enter emergency codes via the transponder so that they can send an emergency to the ATC (Air Traffic Controller) without radio contact, or so the ATC on the radar can also better locate the machine that has the problem (avoids misunderstandings, especially in areas with lots of air traffic).
Interestingly, that the Flighradar shows up at all. In the case of Air emergency. However, instead of a Mayday-Mayday, it can also be just a pan-pann – so just a warning and a hint that the ATC should keep the airspace around the plane somewhat free because the pilots have to do something and are distracted. for example, an error message in the onboard computer and the checklist go through. Some pilots like to give Pan-Pans safe. So often not critical.
So can Squawk 7700 also end up in a crash?
Thanks for the answer!
It can also be a Mayday, and end up on a crash.
As others have said, this is actually an emergency code for ne air emergency.
However, this is a military aircraft and in the area where it is on the go, there are apparently exercises (there are various military units on the go and fly wild maneuvers).
Therefore, I would strongly suspect (without knowing) that there is a practice scenario or any other background here rather than a real emergency.
Thank you.
However, this is at “every” aircraft.
So at first glance, I only see a single one with 7700…
Addendum: The plane also does not fly to the next best (larger) airport, as you would expect with a real emergency, but simply keep quietly. This also means that it has a different background and is not a real emergency.
I got you a little misunderstood!
I understood your answer as if Squawk 7700 could only stand on military aircraft.
Thank you for your answer!
The Squawk 7700 means a general air emergency situation and results in the prioritisation of the air traffic controller in all respects.
Squawk 7700 is one of 3 emergency squawks that can switch pilots.
Squawk 7700: flight emergency; e.g.