Was bedeutet satt sein für euch?


So komisch es auch klingt, ich habe das intuitive Essen komplett verlernt.

Ich litt nämlich 3 Jahre unter Magersucht und da ich viel Essen kann weiß ich nicht wann mein Körper genug hat. Hört ihr erst auf zu essen wenn euer Magen so leicht schwer ist oder wenn ihr einfach keinen Hunger mehr spürt?

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2 years ago

I eat consciously and slowly, make short breaks of eating, so I feel when I’m tired.

You only have to learn to feel a feeling of hunger and saturation.

2 years ago

Slow food, the stomach isn’t as fast as you can eat.

Serve your meal when it’s eaten, just stop.

We usually eat warm in the evening, I serve my food, otherwise I can’t sleep well later.

2 years ago

Don’t you stop eating when your stomach is so heavy or if you just don’t feel hungry anymore?

I prepare my food in reasonable portions….no more and no less.

Whether I’m hungry or not, I eat mindful and conscious….just what I’ve prepared.

I don’t eat without meaning, because only this amount is there….you can get used to it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vivien936

You lay your own stones in the way, from where did you eat too little when you served your food?

Your digestive system is an excellent food evaluator, while you are not starving, but you have had symptoms of deficiency.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vivien936

Well, I have a similar problem, I generally eat too little.

You can talk to your doctor about what is important and necessary for you, so you can judge your portion and so it is good.

It is also important for such situations not to eat too much, because the danger that one gets bad is too big…You will understand what I am talking about.

2 years ago

Answer 2 would be full for me****