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2 years ago

The signal has a defect. For reasons of safety, it is only permitted to operate “on command”, i.e. the driver must be convinced by looking out of the window that the previous train has actually left the track section, and this is usually associated with a reduced speed.

2 years ago
Reply to  HugoHustensaft

the driving service provider must look out the window

It’s a lonely tip!

That may go on a model path….but in real?

Rod driving. If there wasn’t the ground loop that puts the train lame.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

Depends on what is defective – signal is ultimately only a generic term, which can also be axle counters, indusi magnets or the like; sometimes visual control is the last chance to determine whether a train has completely happened.

2 years ago

I know… But rawe saw the brilliant number.

2 years ago

Menno the locomotive has not only steam operation, but it operates quite next to it a lot of electronics on board. If the locomotive does not have a free loop (not only the optical signal also lies in the ground a transmitter) it cannot drive.

This has to be repaired. Vohrer can’t do anything.

That was the version for the train,


The simple and complete version for passengers,

A signal must be repaired.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

Bullshit. What loops? Do you think the track release system? Or is this an explanation for passengers with little idea?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pyrotechnikerr

You are overlooking the fact that both variants are separate and that is what explanation applies to who.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarSusMar

Do you mean the PZB or LZB with free loop?

2 years ago
Reply to  EpicBot

That’s just what’s in the text! the line So not for stino I’m driving train thought.


The simple and complete version for passengers,

A signal must be repaired.

2 years ago

because of a repair on the signal, which means

Well, the signal is fixed. What do you not understand?

I guess the train shouldn’t go on without a working signal.

2 years ago

That means the train is delayed because a signal is repaired.

What exactly are you unclear about the info?

If you don’t know what the signal means:

2 years ago

I have the crazy guess that a signal is being repaired.

2 years ago

This means that a broken signal is made completely again.

2 years ago

You want to translate this into English now?

2 years ago

A signal is fixed. What do you not understand? Don’t you know what a signal is?

2 years ago
Reply to  421054