What does surgical preparation mean?

My orthodontist said she'd like to start preparing for surgery. What does that mean? I've been in treatment for a year and a half, so it'll be a little over two years before this. Does this preparation mean I'll be getting another fixed brace (I've already had two), or is it really preparation, where surgery will begin in 3-4 weeks?

(My upper jaw is too narrow, lower jaw/chin is too long, open bite, lower and upper jaws are not directly on top of each other, so I think the lower jaw is shifted 4mm to the right and maybe even more).

Yes, I know that I can ask my orthodontist and he can tell me exactly, but my next appointment isn't for another three months and I don't want to call or anything like that right now with a question like that.

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1 year ago

Well, probably means they’re preparing to correct your jaw problems surgically. This could mean an operation, but I’m not an expert. After 1 1/2 years of treatment, it is possible that they will soon attach a firm chip to prepare everything optimally. Your pine orthopedic can definitely settle this when you see him in 3 months. Don’t worry, it will certainly explain everything, and you will know what happens next! 😊

1 year ago

Hello Noell,

Usually, everything is optimally prepared for the surgery with a brace and then a fine adjustment takes place.

Directly in front of the surgery, additional hooks are often clamped on the bow so that the elastics can be hung.

A pine surgery is a huge matter. It is very important that the patient knows what is planned and when what happens. You should explain this to your handler.

Good luck!


1 year ago

OP preparation means that it is operated at the jaw, because it is obviously not better with the current methods.