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Grob explains:
.com = Company
A company (often American company).
.org = Organization
A (possibly non-profit) organization.
.de = Germany
Something from Germany – can be a company, an organization, something.
Can also be the German version of an internationally active company.
.net = network
An internet company (service provider for online services).
Is network then just an internet company alone?
Let’s say that.
It have you not been beautiful when the operators of websites adhere to the described scheme they have.
But not all of them stick to it.
This is the statutory health insurance SBK.
Is a statutory health insurance an organization or is it a company?
So I think the SBK should have taken .de instead of .org.
.net is just a top level domain as well as many more. Here are other examples: .de, .com, .net. .org, .us,, .tk, .xyz, … etc.
Sometimes there are country shorts, as in the example of de, us, and sometimes there are other things like store, org, xyz, etc.
The TLD primarily says nothing about a link or domain, except that .store is mostly used by shops, .de by german, etc.
I don’t understand.
I try again differently: A domain, so has an IP address in the background. This IP can’t remember how to have these domains. Thus, from, for example, -> As you can see, it’s much easier to remember. You also know these domains from the browser as . For an email address, there is a user name in front of @, the part after @ is exactly the part you know from the browser. There are also subdomains., is a subdomain, so that www. The .de is a TLD (Top Level Domain). The whole thing is quite simple.
No. Not all TLDs are country shorts. Some also have other meanings, such as .store, .org, .xyz.
Here are examples:
.net = network
.com = commercial
.store = Naja, store ^^
.org = organization
What exactly do you understand? You need to be more accurate so I can explain this
Okay, thanks now I understand
Top Level domain. Is .net now a country shortcut?
This is the top-level domain, something like .de or .com.
does that have any meaning? I don’t understand. What means domain