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2 years ago

Monoculture is when you grow the same culture on the surface for several years.

Mostly, the climate is favourable for this or specializes in sales or processing plants in the region.

Classic examples are sugar cane plantations, cotton plantations, tobacco plantations.

Not to be confused with pure culture, where only one culture is grown annually in the field with other fruits.

These are then rape fields, wheat fields, beet fields, maize field, potato fields, strawberry fields.

Mixed culture is when at least 2 plant species grow simultaneously on the same surface and are harvested together. e.g. clover or lucerne with grass for food or biogas

Sugar beans with oats for grain harvest

Wheat and rye or triticale as mesgets for compound feed

Or quite classic: the Greenland

It should be distinguished from the underseed of clover under cereals, where the grains are harvested this year and the clover is seeded in the spring, but only in the autumn after the grain harvest is harvested as feed.

2 years ago

An area that has only one plant type has a monoculture – mixed culture is stable with different species

2 years ago

One species, at least two species.