Was bedeutet Ionengruppen?
Bitte bitte bitte ich bin im ersten Jahr Chemie und überall steht:
Ionen sind die gedachten Stoffteilchen der Salze
Ich hab den Satz schon so oft gelesen, dass ich es nicht mehr verstehe, kann es mir bitte jemand (in Kindersprache) erklären: Was sind Ionengruppen mit Beispiel.
Vielleicht verstehe ich ja dann warum man keine 2 positiven Ionen kombinieren kann…
Ich freu mich auf eure Antworten und Hilfe
A salt is called like a molecule. Like NaCl, you might think it’s a molecule of a Na atom and a Cl atom.
We know that’s not true. Salts consist of these endless lattices of ions. However, their composition can be broken down to a “small common multiple”. And that’s the ion group. The combination of ions, which is endlessly repeated. Almost the same as the molecules from which other substances exist.
In sodium chloride (sum formula NaCl), an ion group is therefore simply a Na(+) ion and a Cl(-) ion.
In the case of potassium sulfate (sum formula K2SO4) an ion group is two K(+) ions and one SO4(2-)ion.
Hmm, what happens when you push two magnets together, plus pole to plus pole? Or minus pole to minus pole? They’re kicking off. This is exactly what similarly charged ions also do. But if you bring the positive pole of one magnet to the negative pole of the other magnet, then they pull. And equally positive and negatively charged ions attract each other and enter an ion connection.
In addition, substances that exist independently are always charge-neutral. Either the particles are not charged at all, or the positive and negative charges are equal. Very important!
But if you would only combine positively charged particles, you would create a substance with an extremely positive charge. What would contradict the principle of “substance is always neutral” and is therefore not possible.