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Probably not meant the normal warning flash?! Well, this is called a rear warning system and serves to secure the vehicle and generally to secure the point of use in flowing traffic. This is particularly appropriate when securing is required primarily to the rear, since the blue light does not necessarily have to be permanently switched on. This also reduces “loads” of the environment, among other things from residents which are not absolutely necessary, since the rear warning system, in contrast to the blue light, has only a rear-acting/directional warning effect. Many newer vehicles of the rescue service and also the fire department are equipped.
I think you mean the rear flashers that serve to secure the vehicle. Similar facilities have, in addition to vehicles of the construction site, for example also most of the more recent fire-fighting vehicles. This ensures the standing vehicle before the subsequent traffic (weigh beautifully doof when there is a cleanser;-)))
You probably mean the rear warning device. This is because the parking RTW has a warning effect to the rear without which the blue light is switched on. It has almost every newly purchased vehicle in the rescue service or at the fire department.
§ 38 StVO – Blue flashing light and yellow…
This is a warning system to warn the vehicles that drive on it as additional optical safety
The same as yellow flashing light on any other car also: road indicator or warning flasher.
It’s called Direction indicator and owns every car.
no it is probably meant additional yellow lightning… yellow light warns about driving
Yellow warning blinker, which are switched on at the stand. Patient is invited