Was bedeutet es zu niedrige Leukozyten zu haben?

Hey also anscheinend wurde bei meinem Unfall in meinem Blut festgestellt ich hab zu niedrige Leukozyten (anscheinend). Was heißt das jetzt auf Deutsch für mich? Kennt sich da wer aus? Kann das auch harmlos sein? Muss ich mir da Sorgen machen?

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3 months ago


Of course, there are now again the most serious diseases with the minors in a list.

In the simplest case, you have an infection or/and your immune system is down.

Call in the practice that has made the test or agree with your pediatrician an appointment to discuss the values and then ask if you should do something and what.

I have linked you to an explanation, but there are all possible reasons, and certainly your doctor does not want you to sit on your own and at worst buy some superfluous stuff from the pharmacy “to build up the immune system” or so. You have a right to discuss briefly with him: reasons, implications, therapy/ further action! It shouldn’t take so long. If he then proposes home remedies, you can try them first (nourishing etc.), but then with the certainty in the background that the doctor thinks this is appropriate, not with the uncertainty, now on his own to try everything possible and worry!

3 months ago

Leukozyten is the term “white blood cells”.

Leukozyt – Wikipedia

They belong toImmune systemthe body and are there part of thespecific immune defenseandnon-specific immune defense; therefore they areImmunocytes(Immune cells). Your share inperipheral bloodwith aDifferential bloodrecorded.

Yeah, that can be harmless. The question is how many leukocytes were counted/measured during blood collection.

Further information would therefore be helpful.

3 months ago
Reply to  duckphilosophy

I guess so.

3 months ago

What means too low values?

Too low leukocyte values can indicate autoimmune diseases, cancers, diseases of the bone marker or virus infections. Some drugs (such as certain painkillers, rheumatism drugs or the antibiotic chloramphenicol) can also reduce the number of leukocytes.


Your doctor can probably say more about it.