Was bedeutet es wenn man im engpass rechner angezeigt bekommt, dass die GPU Durchschnittlichen Bottleneck von 59 % hat ryzen 6600 8gb / cpu 5700x3D?

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6 months ago

It means that the Bottleneck calculator tries to break down to a number to tell you that in this system the GPU is supposed to be 59% of the bottle neck and the system brakes.

It doesn’t matter how the computer comes to it and that a number alone is not true.

6 months ago

That doesn’t mean anything.

Bottleneck calculators are bullshit without any meaningfulness.

Which component is like a strong bottleneck depends on many factors and cannot be simplified.

6 months ago


these Bottleneck Calculators simply calculate a fantasy number. An indication in percent is not useful here.
But what you can say is that the processor is decelerated from the graphics card. Thus, a stronger graphics card would be desirable.


3 months ago

With the 5700x3d you can run significantly stronger Grakas. Bottleneck means that the GPU comes to the power limit in certain areas, while the CPU has no problems with this. However, such simulations can be enjoyed with caution and a lot of theory, as many factors play in it

6 months ago

I didn’t know you’d show up, but that means that your CPU can provide a much better graphics card.