Was bedeutet es wenn man es so stark sehen konnte, eine Ader plötzlich stark sichtbar gewesen?
vor 10 Minuten war bei mir eine Ader links am Brustkorb in Richtung Herz sehr stark zu sehen was normalerweise nie so ist, ich habe Angst bekommen. Alle anderen Adern sahen aus wie immer außer halt diese eine. Ist das schlimm?
Strong blood circulation. Can also be triggered by excitement or stress.
I had no stress or something. And that was just those one vein, all the others looked like they were. But this vein, which was suddenly so strong, is now no longer. Why was it just this one weird?
Maybe high blood pressure, if it’s warm, blood vessels stretch out.
But only one vein???
And this happened for the first time