What does it mean to have to contribute half a year?
I have been in high school for a while now but I still don't quite understand what it means when it says "You don't have to bring in all semesters/You only have to bring in xy semesters". It would be nice if someone could explain this to me in more detail, thank you.
One usually has 4 half-years of sport in the upper stage, but can only bring 3 in. So just count the best 3.
From the main subjects and LKs you have to take all 4 courses (German, Mathe, Foreign Language, Natural Science, …) to the federal state.
Of the secondary subjects you often have to take only 2 courses. However, if you have 3 or even 4 you do not have to bring in all, or sometimes it cannot.
And is to have at least 1 np?
Well, in principle…However, you can’t have 00 points in any obligation course, even if you don’t have to admit it (no idea if it’s possible at all).
“Introducing” means that the respective half-year note counts for your cut. The Abi section includes not only your grades in the Abi exams, but also the grades from your Q1 to Q4 performance and basic courses.
Q1 = 11th grade, 1st half (G8) / 12. Class, 1st half (G9)
Q2 = 11th grade, 2nd half-year (G8) / 12th grade, 2nd half-year (G9)
Q3 = 12th grade, 1st half (G8) / 13. Class, 1st half (G9)
Q4 = 12th grade, 21st half (G8) / 13. Class, 2nd half (G9)
All 4 half-year notes must be “injected” from your performance courses. This means all your grades in your 11th and 12th grade (G8) and 12th grades. Class (G9), count in your Abi note.
Your 4 half-year notes from German and Maths must also be “injected”. Whether you have a basic course – the mouse does not bite the thread.
In addition, at least 4 half-years of a foreign language (no matter whether a benefit or a basic course) must be included. A natural science (bio, chemistry, physics) must also be introduced for 4 half-years.
Furthermore, either another foreign language must be or another science or Computer science for the second half of the year.
So let’s fix it to a pencil (= example).
Pencil: You have English as a foreign language and as a natural science biology. Then you also choose 2nd foreign language in the Q1/Q2 French for 2. Half-years. Your 4 half-year grades from English, your 4 half-year grades from biology and your 2 half-year grades from French for your Abi grade.
If you decide to continue French in Q3/Q4, the 2 best half-years from Q1 – Q4 count.
So let’s stick to another sub-example
Under pencil: You have seven points in French in Q1 and ten points in Q2. Now you can select French after Q1/Q2 and would then “inject” the two half-year notes: seven points + ten points into your Abi note.
You can also tell DIr “Well, I can do that better!” and continue French in Q3 and Q4. In the Q3 you will score fifteen points. In the Q4, something goes wrong, and you only get one point.What half-year notes are then introduced for your Abi? Think about it! Mm– you know? Right! The ten points from Q2 and the fifteen points from Q4.
Religion / Ethics also include the 2 best half-years from Q1-Q4. In music / art, 2 half-years have to be introduced. If you choose music / art after Q2, it is clear which half-years are. (Q1 and Q2). If you continue music / art in Q3 / Q4, the best 2 half-year notes count.
Politics & Economics have always only had to be introduced the 2 best half-year notes. Since 2025, however, a new High Level Regulation has been applicable, in which it is no longer possible to select PoWi and in PoWi must be introduced every 4 half-year notes. This is now the “luck” for you, that you were not born a few years earlier and now PoWi can no longer choose.
In history, only 2 half-year notes have to be introduced. But Attention! In history, not the “The 2 best half-years count” rule applies, but only the half-years Q3 and Q4 count. Why, why, we didn’t know a school teacher. I suspect that it is because the Q3/Q4 treats national socialism and this issue is probably particularly important for us Germans, so that we wanted to ensure that these half-year notes are definitely counted.
No single half-year has to be introduced in sport.
Are you making history Q1/Q2 and sports for free? No! As a rule, 32 half-year notes must be introduced. Thus, according to the conditions mentioned (4 half-years of a foreign language, 4 half-years of a natural science, 4 half-years of PoWi, 2 half-years of art/music, 2 half-years of religion/ethics, 2 half-years of further NaWi or other foreign language or computer science, the last two half-years of history) there are still half-year notes left to enter the 32, so your note account with the best remaining half-year notes filled. So it can be so suddenly that your half-year notes from history Q1/Q2 and sport suddenly count again. However, in sports maximum 3 of 4 Half-year notes are used to be introduced into the giant of the “best remaining half-year notes”.
Exception: As soon as you decide to enter an Abi exam (orally or in writing) in a subject, all 4 half-year notes count. Then it can also be that then your sport note will suddenly become relevant again in all 4 half-years.
You see how it is being introduced is different for each. Some subjects cannot count at all for some pupils, for others only for 2 half-years and for other 4 half-years. Nevertheless, in the end all get the same degree. Over the door. And I’m going through the door, too, ’cause I’m done.
Thank you very much for this detailed answer and the example! Has really helped me.