Was bedeutet Dreiphasige Nennleistung?
Guten Abend,
ich habe mir überlegt das Aggregat: GeoTech pro GGP 8000-3-ES zu kaufen. In der Beschreibung steht nun eine dreiphasige Nennleistung von 6kw. Bedeutet das nun das ich Geräte mit insgesamt 6kw an das Aggregrat anschließen kann?
Danke für alle Antworten 👍🏻
The device emits three phases and should be loaded as uniformly as possible on all phases (ideal for three-phase consumers).
Whether it is suitable for single-phase loads with different loads, you need to remove from the documents.
What does all three phases mean? Does that mean you should connect a device to each socket and not all to one?
This now depends on the exact performance data of the device, without which we operate coffee substitute reading here.
Ok thanks for your help
This system will probably be operated “on the outlet” with one phase and here the Agreggat will bring you only 2.1KW (short time) it is unsuitable for you.
My pa system (speaker etc)
PA system? or PV system with emergency power function and memory?
Does your PV system have a three-phase charging input and up to which charging power
Okay. But I don’t have to worry that the device doesn’t reach 6kw? This is because I need this so that I can operate my pa plant.
In single phase, the device offers a maximum of 2.1KW power and only for a short time.
It is “in the core” a system for balanced three-phase loads (motors)
that means you three devices