Was bedeutet dieser Traum?
im Traum war ich in meinem Zimmer. Es war irgendwann tief Nachts. Denke mal so 2 Uhr. Ich wusste innerlich dass ich vor einer bestimmten Uhrzeit, die Nachts ist, meine Zimmertüre abschließen muss da jede Nacht zur gleichen Zeit jemand irgendwie im dunklen Gang erscheinen wird und an meine Tür klopfen wird und versuchen wird die Türe zu öffnen. Tatsächlich klopfte es dann auch und ich wusste es war irgend ein Mann oder ähnliches. Er sagte ich soll aufmachen und klopfte weiter und dann wieder und wieder. Ich sagte nichts und tat so als wäre ich nicht da. Dann nach einiger Zeit höre es auf zu klopfen und ich wusste es war sicher. Ich sperrte die Tür auf und guckte nur in einen dunklen Flur.
Bis heute frage ich mich ob das schon mal jemand so ähnlich wie ich geträumt hat und was dies zu bedeuten hat ?
Dreams are encrypted messages of our subconscious. They represent what the dreamer does not want to be so rightly perceived in the state of watch, and therefore rather displaced into the unconscious. You don’t want to have anything to do with certain emotional issues and somehow distract yourself from it to not notice. In sleep, conscious control falls away, but the brain continues to work. What has been displaced during the day can then be seen as a dream – but in an indirect way, because the dreamer does not want to know it. This creates dream images that are known to you.
There are many books that help to get familiar with dream meaning. If you want to learn to understand the language of your dreams, this is a worthwhile acquisition.
In my book it says that houses are always physical and psychic areas of the dreamer. – So you know now what you Room in a dream means for you. … Well, it’s not hard to see the theme of the dream. Someone (a man or similar) wants to have contact with you, but you’re closing for it. The contact would seem to scare you because you wrote
If there’s no one “anklope” with you, you’ll feel safe. The dream wants to make you aware of your contact fears.
I notice that the man is patient and friendly. He doesn’t break with you, he just knocks. He also has to knock the patience several times. He speaks to you and wants you to open (In the dream it comes to opening the door.) But you’re acting like “you’re not here.” Then he moves peacefully from there.
Maybe you could read my dream and look for some meanings because I’m afraid of sleeping now:/
you will also forget your nightmare quickly because a study has shown that you have only dreamed 90 minutes and you can only remember a dream when you wake up within the 90 minutes (or if something triggers it e.g. you dream of a fish and the next day you sift fish and suddenly you remember about it)
So no fear
Learn to think about your dreams. That brings you something. If necessary, you can talk to other people about your dreams – if they aren’t annoyed.
It’s a sleep paralysis.
Dreams have no meaning, like a horoscope or anything else. They only reflect your subconscious. In my dreams, it’s roughly the same, only the environment is another and sometimes there are other things, such as zombies or suck.
Because I liked to look at horror feelings… I dreamt about old classmates. Don’t ask me why.
I’ve experienced something similar but not in my dream. I think it was another spirit. I don’t know if it was really one