Was bedeutet dieser Traum?
Ich hatte einen Albtraum heute Nacht das mein Motorrad umgekippt ist.
Es war ein Schrecklicher Traum ich war in Amerika im Urlaub mit meinem Motorrad und es ist umgefallen und der Gasgriff ist abgebrochen und ich konnte damit nicht zum Flughafen zurück fahren obwohl der Flug den Tag ging.
Was hat das zu bedeuten ich war quasi gezwungen mein Motorrad zurück zu lassen.
You have lost fears about your motorcycles.
I had a much better dream.
I’m a master of the house with a colleague who’s illiterate and he’s CEO and billionaire and I’m a master.
Probably because the police can easily seize the bike if I’m on my way again at double permitted speed
With us is a country road section that is known to drive out cars you buy.
It’s on the train and it’s never free anyway.
There’s no way to such a gravel work, there are only meadows next to the road, no ‘initones and you can see everything, on both sides, then it’s still straight.
There’s only one gravel truck that can get out of the plant, it’s gonna have to do some sort of thing, but it’s got 2 tracks, traffic is almost never there.
I’m 240 dangerous, in 1995 already, the car wasn’t faster.
My record is 180 in town where 50 was.
But only as a passenger, in a 911 gt3
I beat my colleagues when we were standing because we could have died well.
Motorcycle is symbolic here for coming in life. You are currently likely to struggle with obstacles and/or someone puts you stones in the way!
Nothing, you dreamed that your motorcycle fell.
Dreams are foams.
Only small girls take dreams seriously and are afraid to sleep in the dark – “Mutti, don’t make the light bitter”.
Little boys too