was bedeutet diese deutschrap line von ikkimel?
ich hab gehört im nordatlantik liegt noch eine katze.
ich hab gehört im nordatlantik liegt noch eine katze.
Meine freundin sagt sie hat es mal irgendwo gelesen stimmt das was sie sagt Liebe Grüße Elisabeth
An alle die den Skandal von Suga von BTS mitbekommen haben findet ihr die Strafe ok oder zu hart ? liebe grüße
Ich höre gerne Swing und besonders den von Tom Gaebel. Hier ist eins meiner Lieblingslieder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3QTr_5OqdA Hab ich einen guten Musik Geschmack?
Brauche mal was neues.. hab die Songs die ich so sehr mag, viel zu oft angehört und weiß jetzt nicht mehr, was ich hören könnte. Bitte etwas englisches, italienisches oder deutsches🙏
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”I heard in the North Atlantic is another capsule” Go to drug lol
asoooo .. then can this also be a comparison to hitler ???? because of the u boot capsule where he allegedly floated and died?
No? Lol, she talks about ketamin
ir .a sense it has in the usually when it has been so strangely formulated xD lies in the atlantic ne capsule .. that is far too abstract without that which is not yet behind
Holy shit digga, you’re so discovering here
because there is actually still the capsule wtf xD I get broken.. well enough the speculations haha you still have a nice night
WAAAAAAH can also refer to it:O….
on the 15th In April 1912 she met an iceberg in the North Atlantic.
18. June 2023 imploded Titan, a diving boat from the American tourism and expedition company OceanGate, during an expedition to visit the wreck of Titanic in the North Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
the ding is .. I have looked at the ebe and then a lot to me this line of ikkemel and I had been looking for it and then you say KAPSEL the is crazy AF and has personally confirmed that there is actually n connection
Ahh okay, understand what you mean, that can be natural
Look at the jz, find the interesting
What really happened to Hitler’s body? 4
ps ps ps ps ps ps
she says (NORD)atlantics .. instead of atlantic or i.a other spot of earth and then out of account where the rettungsKAPSEL is supposed to be loudly conspiracy by hitler .. this is absolutely clear and even a good line. but why contest .. find ikki also good .. especially since she has in the text we are just like kaptain tomorrow because we make rumm also installed a comparatively word sweat, which can be more tempted to believe that the capsule is a two-way line
It’s hard, it’s not so lol. Anyway dear ikki, go also on iihr concert
VERY happy. but as a ambiguous line, this would be brutal and obviously she thinks that she would travel for an capsule to the North Atlantic, WEIL SIE according to conspiracy GEHÖRT HAT as i text described that there should still be an capsule there .. so it really is not more obvious:D to times she is absolutely LINKS it was a side-hieb in the right corner
You, I understand. But no, it’s not like that. It’s just about that she would travel to North Atlantic to take another capsule. If she also said in an interview, I would have to look out tomorrow if you like to see it.
you say yes zb also rettungscapsule and loud conspiracy should hitler have found himself there with a rettungscap ..
you do not check it .. why then in North Atlantic? there is a conspiracy that the uboot should still be there and both are called capsule u know?? that is called word play;) keta capsule and the capsule of the u boot … wel of all North Atlantic where the conspiracy is that this capsule should still be close. but thank you for correcting me .. had always understood CATE