Was bedeutet diese Benachrichtigung von DHL? Das habe ich noch nie so erlebt (siehe Foto)?
“Neuverpackung beschädigter Sendung”
Was genau heißt das?
“Neuverpackung beschädigter Sendung”
Was genau heißt das?
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Hallo, ich habe vor etwa 3 Wochen ein Kleidungsstück von Zalando zurückgesendet. Irgendwie wurde die Rücksendung halt nicht bestätigt von denen und jetzt brauche ich doch noch die Sendungsnummer der Retoure. Ich habe die aber nicht mehr. Kann ich bei der selben Post Filiale die irgendwie noch kriegen? Oder ist das nicht möglich? Mit freundlichen…
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The packaging was severely damaged during transport and may have already been packaged. Therefore it was put into an overpack by DHL
I think it’s weird. The goods are an expensive smartphone. This message triggers an elusive feeling…
Look at DHL after you can refuse acceptance then it goes back. As an alternative to the package, check if everything is in. If great violence has affected the package, damage can only be shown later, unfortunately you have suffered
Well, it seems to be all right except that you didn’t get your goods
The app says that the package is repackaged and I will be informed about further information here (in the DHL app). Since this information, the “Access Options” function is no longer visible.
At the same time, I got the notification by email that DHL sends my package back to the sender, from eBay (where I gave up the order) I also got an email.
Apparently something happened to the merchandise that the delivery was canceled. PayPal has not yet debited the money.
I’m going from the docks was damaged on the way and is now being repacked.
The shipment was damaged during transport and is therefore repacked by DHL. There will be delays.
This means that the package has broken at the DHL and they are now repacking it. Most likely on the package will be “enveloping” or something similar.
After reading your question the answer and comments.
Sending back to the sender is a problem with delivery. Stop undefined.
It’s NOT coming to you!
Nobody knows that except you and the sender. Also the service personal in the parcel center does not.
You get the DHL Mail automatically. Ebay can also only implement what is in the mail of DHL. 100% the same as you.
That in the transition, revising the package, e.g., decided by the team/shifter will send the package/package back to the sender, What may take 10 min, 2 opposite mails go out, is not surprising.
As long as it’s just an info it’s ok, there should be a link attached, because you must open absolutely no matter why, then it’s a phishing email, and is to delete immediately.
Carton broken
DHL has repacked the content.
Not so hard, I think.
I think it’s weird. The goods are an expensive smartphone. This message triggers an elusive feeling…
Then wait for a brick to arrive. You better get a witness for unpacking, or: put the camera or cell phone ready to see the apartment door. If the package messenger is ringing, start filming. Direct rug knives are ready, open and display content in camera, unpack further visible until device found, or not. Who was the sender?
Of course you will these Goods are not, because they will be sent back to the sender. And he’ll send a new package – or get in touch with you.
But PayPal has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, that’s what it says in the DHL app. But at the same time I received emails from DHL and eBay that the package is sent back to the sender and stands on eBay: there were problems with delivery.
That is why I cannot assess whether the merchandise now arrives with me or not and whether it is really the merchandise purchased because I have received contradictory notifications at the same time
You do not need to contact PayPal. It’s all his way!
A seller from Mannheim, registered on eBay since 2006 and rated very well, Imprint is all stated.
Actually, I wanted to redirect the package to a branch to open it there with witnesses, but letting the delivery option deliver to a branch was not available. Yes and this morning this new notification came in the DHL app that the package was damaged and repacked and the option delivery options is completely gone. At the same time, DHL and eBay sent me an email that the package is sent back to the sender.
I ordered smartphones online more often for family. Although never expensive, always low price classes, this here is for the first time a very high quality, but there were never any problems. What’s going on is very curious.
I don’t know if to contact PayPal now? Or should I wait till Monday?
That the packaging was damaged and therefore had to be repackaged by the DHL.