What does this absolute no-parking sign mean in combination with the additional sign attached below it?
Is it not allowed to park on the road and on the sidewalk?
I thought you were generally not allowed to park on the sidewalk
Is it not allowed to park on the road and on the sidewalk?
I thought you were generally not allowed to park on the sidewalk
As an Austrian who never drives in Germany, can I simply buy points or get paid to transfer points to others? I've heard it's supposed to be very lucrative. And since I'll never drive in Germany anyway, that would definitely be good pocket money, right? Is there such a thing? I could only find places…
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Hello, I have an Opel Corsa D with automatic transmission. Recently, I've been having trouble starting it. It can't be the battery, because I've already fully charged it. Yesterday, I had the problem that it had trouble starting and also didn't have full power. I had a hard time climbing the hill; it wouldn't shift…
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The additional sign does not point to a walking path but to a side strip.
I would take this combination that in the period from 7 to 17. October and from 3 to 7 November any work will be carried out in which discontinued cars are very disturbing.
But that says you’re on the road and on the side, I didn’t think you could park on the road?
Irrtum! Parking is generally permitted on the inside, where it is not expressly prohibited or because of the road conditions.
The ban on stopping is only valid on the road.
With the additional shield shown, also on the side strip.
With a sign “on the side strip” it would only on the side strip.
Appendix 2 lf. No. 62 ff StVO
I love exact answers.
The additional sign means the “side strip”. So parking strips, parking bays or just areas next to the road that are suitable for parking.
valid in October and November, on the designated days.
there is absolute ban on holding – from 03.11 to 07.11.