Was bedeutet der laute Knall am himmel?
Ich habe die frage gerade eben gestellt und sie wurde direkt gelöscht.. Das ist kein Spaß ich habe Panik. Ich habe vor c.a 20 Minuten einen lauten Knall am Himmel gehört und dachte es sei nichts. Dann hat mich mein kollege angerufen der in der schweiz in Zürich wohnt. Er hat den auch gehört obwohl ich in Frankfurt bin und er in Zürich. Müssen wir uns sorgen machen?
Thunder thunder, or, if necessary, an oversonic bang?
In the ’80s, low-flight exercises were performed with supersonics…and after all, the situation is a bit more fragile.
Between me and my buddy there are 400km
I didn’t hear anything in Bavaria
Very funny.. We thought it was an atomic bomb where but in zürich he said it was stronger than I described it
in an atomic explosion you would see something
At the moment there are many thunderstorms, the thunder can bang loudly.
One has felt the pressure of the Zar Bomb worldwide
Maybe the oversonic bang of a plane
400km away?
Okay, I guess I didn’t read the last sentence with the distance Frankfurt Zurich. That would, of course, be a big coincidence if an oversonic bang would occur at the same time in both places, I would not say impossible but rather unlikely. There was an oversonic channel with us, which was then I think I had a big topic in the media, I shouldn’t have been allowed to happen, but as I said in two distant places…
Yeah, when the plane’s going down there, you hear it’s gonna blow all the way.
Yes is already exceptional but perhaps it is just a random approximate simultaneousness of various causes of acoustic phenomena
Three minutes after I heard it, he called me. I didn’t get scared because it was only very quiet here near Frankfurt that was a small pressure wave that my friends here did not perceive it, for example. My buddy in zürich has risen because of this, and I guess that’s what it must be, as I have noticed something with him at the same time.
Yes, this is really strange about this distance, how exactly could you verify the “equilibrium”?
😉😅 yes this is really annoying
Someone wrote that it could have been jets and you could hear it over the track. I just felt it easy not a rough bang but with my colleague it was very loud
Then the civil protection sirens would cry, so stay cool!
here I have not heard anything, NRW
I heard nix
Lightning and thunder aren’t unusual in the weather… with us in Niederbayern it’s already banged today.