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4 months ago

So many meanings:

his money) with full hands output ·prassen·waste·weed· Disuse (with) ● (The) throw money (with both hands) on the streetfig.·throw money out the windowfig.·(something) wastinggo.·(just like that)ugs.· (his money) bring among peopleugs.·aasen (with)ugs.· to the headugs.· make newugs.·through (possibilities)ugs.· with money (just like this) to throwugs.·get outugs, salopp· roaming withugs, Rhenish·urassenugs.· Combatugs.·blurredugs.·bleedingugs.·breakfastugs.· verjankernugs.·savageugs.·beepingugs.·beatingugs.·spliceugs.· Provenugs.·pulverizeugs.·depletionugs.·you areugs.·ozoneugs.·tormentugs.·throw awayugs.· throw out the windowugs.· throw out the windowugs.

empty shoot (magazine) ·Shoot (Munition)● (senseless) baleugs.·round balingugs.· bang around (with)ugs.· empty ballugs.

4 months ago

thetoteleiche wrote:

> What does the word “ball” per se mean?

> For example, if you say: how much calories do your housewives

If you’re not even aware of whether you’re going to bale or bale, you can’t expect a reliable answer.

Balling means by-pass: consume or waste.

Balling is a very unusual word and means forming a material to bale.

4 months ago

I wanted to improve your question linguistically, but my proposal (What does that mean? Become “balling”? For example, if you say: How many calories bleeding Housewives in their activities in the household?) was rejected.

In my opinion, the verb “balling” is not even common in the context mentioned. If you really want to use language, I’d rather use “brained”.

It would be more appropriate to use standard German and then the verb “consume” to use.

“His entire money, the entire salary, the entire heritage, the entire savings of bleeding/powdering” means that this money is wasted/fouled/jubilized or is output without meaning. There are x other language expressions for this.

4 months ago

When it comes to word statements, it is best to simply consult the relevant pages on the Internet.

Duden, dwds, et al. (Explanations and Examples)

4 months ago

Balling (and not as in the headline) means language, with any resource waste to deal.

4 months ago

Originally it means shooting ammunition.
In this context, it means consumption of calories.

1 month ago

German journalism by ahnungslose ” always against something “people?

4 months ago
