Was bedeutet das Röntgenbild meiner Wirbelsäule?
Hallo zusammen,
aufgrund von Schmerzen an der LWS war ich heute beim Röntgen. Der schwarze Fleck im Wirbel macht mir Sorgen.
gibts hier Spezialisten, die wissen, was dies ist?
Termin zur Besprechung hab ich leider erst in 2 Wochen beim Arzt 😟
mache mir wirklich Sorgen 😣
But if your appointment is in 2 weeks, then you shall understand that you do not have such a death disease or something because otherwise you would have a really fast appointment.
What do you think “not good” in the picture for you???
I don’t want to be a black spot. but I’m not an arse so she just has to wait
The doctor hasn’t seen the picture yet. In the KH only the picture is made and you get a CD. You’ll have to take them to the conversation.
That’s why not think much about it and good luck
That’s why a doctor answered.
Thank you
These are gas bubbles in the intestine that superimpose the vertebral bodies.
Seems more common in such recordings.
Thank you for your answer
Radiologists are responsible. No lay people.
I know. Just worry about it. Could have been that there are specialist specialists here who read it.
Yes, there is:)
these are probably unborn furrows in the intestine, which overlay the absorption of the vertebrae, I would say.
Thank you for your answer
of course absolutely without guarantee – have just been told similar dark spots on your own pictures by the doctor.
I hope that’s what I’m doing. Thank you!
So unpleasant that is, but you’ll have to wait for the doctor appointment. is a laity forum. Such questions cannot be resolved in a sound manner.
Good improvement.
Okay, thanks.
Wasn’t you on the toilet longer before the MRT?