Was bedeutet das?

Meine Lehrerin nimmt immer mich dran, ohne das ich mich melde. Ich melde mich häufig aber wenn ich mich nicht melde dann nimmt sie mich aufeinmal dran. HÄ

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3 months ago

You should be happy to be able to improve your performance in the field of other cooperation.

But I assume that you’ll just get her on the alarm clock by constant chatting and other disturbing lessons. Through her tactics, she achieves her goal, namely to discipline you, on the one hand, so that she can retire halfway and at least add something to your fellow students.

She probably wrote you down and through the six in the “other collaboration” she has to miss you, because you never get anything, it’ll be easier to get you out of the learning group soon.

3 months ago

That’s what life is like. If Chef says, “Work,” it’ll go.

Think about why you’re always up. Maybe think about your own behavior.

3 months ago

It depends on how good your answers are…