Was bedeutet das?
Hey wollte was kurzes fragen, weiß einer was dieser grüner Punkt neben einem Snapchat Account bedeutet. Meine Vermutung ist das bedeutet, wann die Person auf Snapchat war. Also wann die aktiv war oder ist das was anderes wäre lieb, wenn mich jemand hier genauer aufklärt
The person has been online within the last 24h
Best regards, Jan
But the other says that is when someone is online or was
Snapchat: That means green P…
The green point is displayed on the avatar of a friend to show that he was recently active on Snapchat and will appear unless he deactivates it. To deactivate the activity indicator: Tap the ⚙️ button in the profile view to open settings.
https://help.snapchat.com/hc/de/articles/17980426873492-What is-the-gr%C3%BCne-Point-in-the-Avataren-meiner-Freund#:~:text=The%20gr%C3%BCne%20Point%20will%20on,profile view%2C%20um
That means you’re online