What do these “Y”s in the trees mean?
Hello, I was walking in the woods today and noticed these "Y"s and I'm wondering what they mean. I found it a little creepy because I could see these "Ys" on every tree. Can anyone help me?
Hello, I was walking in the woods today and noticed these "Y"s and I'm wondering what they mean. I found it a little creepy because I could see these "Ys" on every tree. Can anyone help me?
Hello I have a question, Which big cat species are extinct, for example the sable-toothed tiger or the cave lion LG and thank you for every answer
A white animal has just walked through our garden. It looked like a maggot, except that it was snow white and had a black tail! It was always standing and looking like a meerkat. Could it have been a ferret? If so, then it must have wandered off or been abandoned, right? Unfortunately I have…
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Resin was obtained in the past. The bark of the trees were cut in and down, at the end of the Y came a container where the resin collected.
In the way, turpentine or tree resin was collected – so nothing that should scare you 😉
A sheet metal strip is inserted into the bark at the bottom so that turpentine or resin are passed into a vessel.
A simple attempt to collect tree juices.
This is the sign of the life run. The trees have certainly allowed themselves a fun with you.
This is a rune. It stands for e.g.
What exactly does that mean?
I don’t know