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4 months ago

So the safety needle is a promise not to do anything, especially if you had tried it (SM).

The semicolon stands for the “closing” of a bad time (SVV, suicide thoughts, etc.).

And with the butterfly I’m not quite sure, I know that only when you paint a butterfly on the skin and hurt yourself that the butterfly dies. You should stop hurting yourself.

4 months ago

So if someone carries a safety needle (top left) he shows with it: “You’re safe with me. I’m behind you.” The semicolon (top right) means that you did not give up/not give up and continue to fight.(Suicide Prevention)

“A semicolon is used if an author could have ended his sentence, but has chosen not to do it. The author is you and this sentence is your life.”

You often see it as a tattoo. The butterfly (center) stands for Hope and healing process.

I hope I could help <3

4 months ago

Safety needle, o 9 and butterfly

I don’t have deeper meanings.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nectovelin

This is a semi-colon… and they are very important.