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2 years ago
  • R = Makeln (= build up second conversation and then switch back and forth between the two conversations)
  • K = Short dial (in accordance with paragraph 0-9 or * or #)
  • M = Save (you can add a number during the conversation and then choose it later)
  • W = election repetition
2 years ago
Reply to  Schlaumy

Here is the guide:

This is, however, for the variant with key switches, and one actually needs to store the shortcodes.

I don’t know how to do this without the key switch.

At M, the memory deceived me. When pressing during the conversation M, the last selected number is stored – and can then be selected again later by pressing the M (indirectly after lifting).

And what R does depends on the agency. Because R only generates a certain signal on the line. At the OES (so the Austrian Post called its system of digitized electoral offices) it was possible, as I described, to switch back and forth between two conversations.

2 years ago

Google can explain to you


RKMW are 4 letters on 4 keys, determined in the manual.

Good luck!