Was bedeuet Kann Spuren Von Schalenfrüchten oder Haselnuss enthalten?
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich habe eine Haselnussallergie und bin daher beim Einkaufen sehr vorsichtig. Jedes Mal, wenn ich ein Produkt sehe, auf dem steht, dass es Spuren von Schalenfrüchten enthalten kann, verzichte ich auf den Kauf. Ich habe zu große Angst, dass es eine allergische Reaktion auslösen könnte.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mir mitteilen könnten, was das bedeutet und ob es sicher wäre, diese Produkte zu kaufen und zu essen.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit und Mühe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
This is a reference EXTRA for allergy sufferers. So finger off if you’re allergic.
In nut allergies, some allergy sufferers are sufficient if he only picks up traces (i.e. WINZIGE quantities) of nuts, so that his neck will swell or otherwise he experiences a violent reaction which can be life-threatening.
Okay thank you well to know
This means that the manufacturer does not guarantee that it is not included, so it is out of the cutter
Right. Also means that during production in a production site at the plant, the (possibly) had worked with these foods. Manufacturers are not obliged conveyors to be completely cleaned. That’s why it can be. That there is “tracks of … ” in other products. Depending on how strong the allergy is, this hint can save lives.
That means
The reason is that hazelnuts and other nuts were processed during the previous production and the machine could not be safely cleaned.
It has been explained to me that something else is produced on the same tape with, in this case, nuts and hazelnuts and therefore traces can be contained if something has not been properly cleaned somewhere
I don’t know if that’s true…
So could I get a reaction?
Yeah, what else? It is a warning for allergy sufferers, but it is not possible to formulate it more clearly.
Yes, and the manufacturer has secured himself by the imprint and is out of the game
Depending on what you’re doing.
Band… that doesn’t meet it. This means all machine parts that come into direct contact with food. Boilers, pots, reactors, tanks, boilers, stirrers and kneaders, baking molds, fermentation containers, pipelines, conveyor screws, conveyor belts, packaging machines, weighing devices, freezing ranges, steam cooking devices, bearings, etc…
thank you 🙂
It means that traces of things could be in it against which you are allergic, because such foods are also processed by these machines. You’re not liable for damage.
Subject to the entire production line, this means all machine parts that come into direct contact with food. Boilers, pots, reactors, tanks, boilers, stirrers and kneaders, baking molds, fermentation containers, pipelines, conveyor screws, conveyor belts, packaging machines, weighing devices, freezing ranges, steam cooking devices, bearings, etc…
PS: what is so difficult to understand?