Was beachten bei neuer Grafikkarte?

Hallo zusammen

Ich möchte bei meinem PC die Grafikkarte upgraden. Ich habe folgendes Mainboard:
Medion B360H4-EM
Das Mainboard hat einen PCI-Express 3.0 Anschluss. Aktuell ist eine Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 verbaut. Diese soll ersetzt werden.
Muss ich bei der Auswahl der neuen Grafikkarte etwas beachten, oder passt grundsätzlich jede drauf?

Danke bereits im Voraus für die Rückmeldung.

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8 months ago

Yes, there are some things to consider:

  1. Enough space in the case. At Geizhals, you’re best looking for your housing and looking for the “Grafikkarten” parameter. Here is the max length that your new graphics card has.
  2. Enough power supply. For this you best give in e.g. Power supply from BeQuiet! your configuration of CPU + GPU, just ignore the rest, here we just expect a bit of buffer, and then look after which you can calculate it at the top of “the maximum wattage requirement” a number. This + about 50W buffer should have your power supply.
  3. Matching connections to the power supply. Depending on the GPU, you need different connectors, inform yourself best what is available with your power supply.


8 months ago


Yes, whether the power supply is strong enough and has the right connections.