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2 years ago

I make basket braids from time to time… that’s really much fun and after that you always have great things you can use… isn’t expensive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nova2040

Great hobby! My father has always done it and I still have baskets of him today.

2 years ago

Hello, I’m creative in the KunstMeile.

At the moment, I am a lot in the art studio and it creates handcuffed garden ceramic, expressive ceramic birds that I attach to flower balls.

Spring is approaching and the artisans markets start. 🙂

Wooden and ceramic stilts; I’ll work together. Here I love the combination of different materials.

Sound always fits with precious wood and metal. Art objects work and belong in a beautiful garden.

There are suggestions & inspiration for my ceramic objects and wooden garden plugs:

2 years ago

I craft technical toys, utility and cabinets to accommodate even more technical stuff. I also like to make some model construction, but stay on the ground with the wheels. I usually have to fix technology because there’s always something going wrong. For example TV, DVD player, washing machine, bicycle, car, motorcycle, scooter and kitchen utensils. I’m holding myself to mechanics and electrics. I’m hard at electronics. Although I create simple small things and kits.

I’ve been equipped with a variety of tools for years. It’s all from brand to NoName. I have tools for electronics, electrical, wood, plastic, metalworking. Sometimes I close or even flick something with my sewing tool (without machine).

2 years ago

Drixing and potters (on the disc), even though I have neglected the latter in recent years.

2 years ago

What just happens is an extension from the downpipe to the rainwater, because the knick has not been enough, was the last.

2 years ago

nesting aids for animals in my garden:

Butterfly villa

in use:

Hornet box

after one year:

Wild bee box

after one year

2 years ago

I’m not directly, I’m just the help – but my husband is doing wood sawing work such as tailbows, pyramids, hanging pyramids, window pictures for Christmas, Easter etc.

2 years ago

I can eat very good roast potatoes, I’m more unsuitable for craft activities.

2 years ago

I braid the favorite keychains from Scobidoo bands

2 years ago

I prefer to knit socks