Was anziehen zur Weihnachtsfeier?
Was am besten zur nachträglichen Weihnachtsfeier anziehen?
schwarzes Kleid mit schwarzen Blazer silber Schmuck dazu und Stiefel mit Absatz.
rotes Kleid mit schwarzen Blazer goldenen Schmuck dazu Stiefel mit Absatz.
silbernes Kleid mit schwarzen Blazer silbernen Schmuck dazu Stiefel mit Absatz.
but 2 is an absolute NoGo……
1) if you are better than 3
What are you doing against red
All 3 dresses are tight and go to the knee.
You’re not the questioner, but you should be a man, it’s clear that you like red better. That’s all I have to say.
Well, sorry, but at least I’m gonna call it out. You like to see something different. But yes, I guess we’re not coming to a denominator. From that beautiful evening.
Why do you think I’m freaking out…as it is, your picture of me can’t change anyway.
If you mean 🙄 Just because someone doesn’t understand and asks, you can still be a bit more friendly. And I still don’t see any reason to flee directly because of the color. As you said – there is no picture – can also be a very elegant, dark red dress, for example.
All 3 dresses are tight and go up to the knee…. standing there. And for a moment, not just a mini skirt. I wasn’t rude, only very stared, that’s not understood what I mean.
Wherever you have, that this would be a “crisp” dress – is not a reason to be so rude. I just made a simple demand.
do you have to become so clear??? I’m probably the old-fashioned opinion that dresses make people. I am now of the opinion that – depending on course – a crisp (!!!) red dress has an image with many, and that you put a signal with it. From me, a shitstorm can break in. We as women cannot change the way men think. But we ask everyone to get together.
That this must be so clear….
Now the good has no picture of the red dress inside. I don’t know what she looks like, but if I’m asked for a flat, I’d rather say no, the silver.
To give points of negative or positive kind is insane, as it only reflects my opinion that others do not have to evaluate.
I can also ask a question if I am not the questioner. And no, I’m a woman. What my question does not answer what you have against red
Either blazer or dress. Not both at the same time, how is that supposed to look?
Tip: Wear a short blazer with strapless stockings and high boots, otherwise nothing, also no string. That’s a lot of jewelry!
Why not even a string?
After all, it is a Christmas party, vllt unter the family or possibly workmates
In women: white blouse black pants suit comfortable school
For Men:Hemd Tie Suit Comfortable School
1) looks like you’re going to a funeral
2) is too noticeable for the corporate Christmas celebration, for a private one, if it does not look too n u t i g
3) I think best
I find red and black always looks good above all together as kombi but I believe in this case still have to be pictures so that we can judge it better. It’s finally your decision
I think 1 would be best, but with pictures it would be much easier
Black, 100% black always looks very beautiful
Silver dress
Christmas party now?
It will be February
…precise, and in 11 months already Christmas
Yeah. In December, so much is always going on. That’s why we always move the Christmas party on February or March. That’s pretty much what all the branches do with us.