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1 year ago

When you say: I have no weaknesses, then the head of staff knows directly that you lie, Every person has weaknesses and it doesn’t matter well to deny that.

So look beforehand by preparing you a weakness, but you either look beautiful or so that it is actually a strength for this operation,

for example, “I have problems when I’m on one thing to give up. I can be like a terrier.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Aylamanolo

An authentic self-presentation is of great importance in an interview. If you are asked about your weaknesses, you should answer honestly, but at the same time choose weaknesses that do not necessarily represent a core competence for the desired job. It is also helpful if you stress how you work to overcome this weakness or how you get it under control.

To “directness” as a weakness: Yes, this can be considered as a weakness, depending on how it is pronounced and in what context it occurs. It could mean that sometimes you don’t show enough fingertip feeling or don’t always meet the right sound. If you call “directness” as a weakness, you could formulate it like this:

“I was sometimes perceived as too direct in the past. This has the advantage that I communicate very clearly and honestly, but I’m always working to find the right measure of tactics, especially in sensitive situations.”

As always: preparation is the A and O. At TestHelden we offer not only preparation for recruitment tests, but also for such questions in the interview. Look at our online test trainer! centre preparation/

There you will find valuable tips and exercises that help you to present yourself optimally. Thousands of applicants have already gained an advantage with our preparation.

Good luck with your interview! With the right preparation you will surely convince.

With kind regards and the best wishes for your preparation,

Your team of 🌟📚🍀

1 year ago

A weak one who has nothing to do with the profession. Then you’re out of a tailor. But it doesn’t really matter, it’s hired because the bosses want cheap labour for their prosperity.

If it’s not an academic high job, you’ll get it anyway.

1 year ago

With humor: The swank, on exactly this question, no answer to know…