Was als Mitbringsel aus Berlin?
ich fahre demnächst zu bekannten im Ausland und möchte ihnen etwas aus Berlin mitbringen, am besten so bis 15€ und was essbares. Mein Favorit wäre Schokolade, da stellt sich mir nur die Frage, was ist typisch deutsche Schokolade und wo kriege ich sie her?
Falls es etwas bringt, die Bekannten sind Griechen.
Schin mal danke für eure antworten 🙂
Tourists go to the RitterSport Flagstore. There you can even produce your own creation. I think it would be the most convenient solution, even if it is not typical of Berlin.
Apart from that, Berlin has many craft beer breweries.
Of course Berlin.
Pancake is called the 😁
Ritter Sport is e.g. German.
Berliner Luft, in Dose:
I can’t recommend anything with edible, but at that time in Berlin I bought a “indicated” part of the Berlin Wall. That was 3 years ago and then there were different sizes at different prices. I bought a wall for 10€, was as big as the thumb
Berlin air, a drink
Bring them something that doesn’t come from Berlin.
Drive to Wedding and buy a large stock of tasty pancakes (Berliner), because they are much better than the cheap copies to buy from Berlin in bakeries.
Here are some suggestions