Warzenviren übertragen auf andere Kleidung beim Waschen?

Habe zur Zeit zwei Warzen an den Füßen zu kämpfen.

Deswegen wasche ich meine Wäsche auf 60 Grad.

Beim Aufhängen habe ich bemerkt, dass eine Socke nur halb nass war.

Wenn die Socke in der mittleren Zeit der Hauptwäsche nicht richtig gewaschen wurde, aber am Ende des Waschens alles gespült wurde, ist die restliche Wäsche durch das kältere Spülwasser dann kontaminiert?

Hab eigentlich keine Lust, alles nochmal zu waschen 🙂

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3 years ago

yes, pathogens are also transmitted by contaminated laundry, e.g. in a washing machine that does not wash properly clean. the pathogens then smear everywhere and infect other people.

garments are all in the washing drum and if they turn, the water in it also gets on all garments, so I can’t imagine that a single sock would only be half wet. that would be the case for all today’s commercial washing machines. a washing machine throws high-speed, 1400U./M. are usual, then the clothes come after washing naturally with a lower moist portion from the machine and not triefing wet, that it will be more likely than the garment would have been washed only half wet and not properly. For this purpose, the washing machine is also observed by the glass door of the same in the washing process, there is enough water in the drum in which the garments are typically washed through during the rotational movement of the washing drum, without which a garment would only be half wet.

can be that there is somehow a completely exotic or ancient washing machine in the constructional condition a laundry item somewhere in the washing machine would land during operation, so that it would only be half-wet. I would like to know which manufacturer (markenname) builds such a washing machine to avoid it.

By the way, washing the laundry at the highest temperature in the machine, at wart four times I would not be so sure with the 60°C setting, often the washing machines reach the temperature only briefly if at all, sometimes instead of 60 are also only approx. 50° C.

3 years ago

…shoe the pair of socks again at 60% with hygienic sink.And good..

Sure is annoying..but safe is safe (I would..).

3 years ago
Reply to  hermine5972

..as you mean it’s okay.I’d probably do it..

..but even more with a fungal disease..because you can avoid real laundry partially…to avoid PINGpong effect…but it is not here.

3 years ago
Reply to  brunhilde45

It never happened to me that a sock after washing was only half wet. And that at 60 degrees? Maybe get a better washing machine.

Generally, the transmission of viruses over clothes is quite unlikely, I would say.

3 years ago
Reply to  Naseneinrad

…that’s true..but…to have the “clean” feeling..I would really try to wash it.

3 years ago

Rather unlikely – the wash liquor and the temperature destroy the viruses..