Warun sind Ärzte auf Social Media oft so streng und ‘toxisch’?
Also Ärzte auf Social Media machen irgendwie erstmal vor fast allem ultra Angst und sind teilweise sehr streng. Hab heute einen Arzt auf Instagram gesehen, der einfach erstmal behauptet hat, umso fitter man jetzt sei, desto fitter sei man im Alter und darum müsse man jetzt viel Sport treiben, usw. Da wurde indirekt angedeutet, wer jetzt nicht ins Fitnessstudio geht, sich gesund ernährt, usw., der wird später bettlägerig.
Natürlich ist da was wahres dran, aber wie mobil ich im Alter bin hat ja eben oft auch was mit Erkrankungen, Genen, usw. zu tun. Das ist alles kein berechenbarer Automatismus.
Oder auch bei anderen Gefahren und Erkrankungen, wird im Internet immer schnell gewarnt und wenn man dann in Realität zu nem Arzt geht, dann sehen die das meist viel entspannter als ihre Pendants auf Social Media.
They’re probably like me on GF. The stupidity of people is sometimes not to stop. It’s slow down. Especially if all the Nine Malklugen want to tell you something else.
I’m glad that I don’t meet that directly in the profession as with a doctor.
Doctors are not because you feel good doing the conversation
He should give you facts
Hopefully it doesn’t change so soon!
Quote!Doctors are not because you feel good doing the conversation
No, no, no, no, no. 🐄
You have no idea.
He should give you facts
Hopefully it doesn’t change so soon!
Doctors are here to calm down your patients and then plan the treatment.
Please let his advice be given here that are ultimately wrong. 🙈
I felt more than good after doctor talks, e.g. after a lymph node exstirpation, when the doctor showed me the bioptical/histological findings > no evidence of malignancy!
Complete BS what is being spread here again…
Perhaps the professional order of the doctors draw to mind when reading still possible and the individual degree of sobriety leaves it…
This is a statement 🙏
The Bundesärztekammer… for you a completely disgusting source, right? Is only the federal order for all doctors in Germany…
Well, the pharmacies Umschau does not write about the profession of doctors, sorry.
To what I read insanely from you is enough for me
I can’t confirm that, many posts have a lot of merchandise. For example, in your example, sports and a balanced and healthy life, a whole lot of diseases also prevent. If you retire fit, then the likelihood of diseases and complaints is lower.
So basically, sport is really great. The structure of muscles can help you to be more mobile at the age, the cardiovascular system is trained, the joints, “lubricated”, you reduce the risk of obesity and the like.
Aaaber I agree that you don’t have to do this as excessive as many social media doctors prescribe. If you want to push yourself for best performances and be absolutely super fit, although the stress triggers or is not at all physically possible to the extent, you can also harm your older I.
Well, a little fitness is good. But just adapted to the individual. Some go to fitness school 5 times a week and others take a big walk on weekends.
I think this exaggeration ultimately serves the range. When you get annoyed about it, comments, vlt shared etc.
To the Internet and diseases: If you have complaints, you can inform yourself beforehand on the Internet, but you should always consult a doctor. Not only because he can help you, but because he can also take the fear of the diagnosis of, “Dr. Google”
Why death is consecrated according to Dr. Google for headaches or a small rash, I don’t know 😂
If you see something on social media or something like that, you shouldn’t be able to do it directly, but you should also face it with a healthy scepticism.
I always like to see Dr. Mike on Youtube. He is very authentic and behaves as a doctor should do on social media😂
Hello Hessen001👋
Doctors in the net speak a broad mass, your pediatrician only you, that is a fundamental difference.
I don’t know anything toxic, he’s right, the more fit you are now, the more fit you are in old age.
That was just an example now. But, well, I think it’s critical to present this as an automatic, because it’s not that way. Of course, there are avoidable risk factors such as cigarettes, alcohol, etc., but I think health should not become a neoliberal performance competition.
I don’t understand. There’s nothing wrong with the statement. I don’t recognize a competition for performance here, because that would be counterproductive again. As you wrote, I agree with the doctor.
What doctor is that????
Vllt Doc Felix ka but I really like the guy
Hmm yes can be good
Okay, don’t you want to say?
Sry couldn’t find it or private?
Get it out of my answers or questions
How old are you?
This is a doctor of tips and videos making it possible to everything, so how this can affect health. Look at him at Youtube.
I don’t know who he/she is?
Do you know him?