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This is easy to answer, especially since there are already many reports on the Internet.
On the one hand, it can be due to the fact that certain own names are not allowed or already occur in some countries.
And on the other hand, the sign in the logo is more relevant and stands for its brand. But not the name.
SLOGANS.DE // The database of advertising! – SLOGANS.DE // The database of advertising!
Langnese – Wikipedia
The word “Eskimo” refers to the people of Inuit and comes from one of the languages of North American natives. In our language, it means raw meat eater. I can well imagine that there are cultures (here mainly the Inuit) which feel this name as offensive or even racist.
Krass, I didn’t know. Thought these are just small males living in igloos.
And that is exactly the problem of such concepts for whole groups of people. Many people and cultures are stereotyped to such an extent that they are not perceived more than individual people or groups of people, but are only reduced to such abstract ideas.
That’s not true.
Wow! This is an interesting listing. I wasn’t aware.
I think that’s just in different languages.
Among these are various countries.. that will be the reason that it is different everywhere.
But why is it different in other countries?
Probably for the same reason why Opel also sells its vehicles as Vauxhall.
Where I find it quite stupid that an ice maker is called “meat”.
Probably out of history. I don’t know. Maybe they’ve been called before and were all taken over by Unilever?
Is the same for supermarkets (Hofer in Austria, Aldi in Germany).
Unilever has taken over various brands all over the world over time and kept their names. However, we consider introducing a globally uniform brand name.
Unilever has over time in various markets or Countries ice producers bought up and usually retain the established brand name.
Because the pancake has a different name everywhere.
There was an excitement with us, this name was not politically correct.
You know that only as Langnese. Never heard of Eskimo ice cream
Drive to Austria
No thanks
I thought that was Lusso😂