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Because stupidity is getting bigger and bigger!
Prosperity for all, regardless of losses, is not possible because the 🌎 is too small.
The predatorship of mineral resources ends with its exhaustion in a few years and nobody wants to see it!
After-use of raw materials used should be the first place, but not “calculated” …
Isn’t that the naive mass?
It’s like cigarettes.
The majority knows or does not believe
Then there are many who ignore it and act selfishly
The little rest that remains is trying to save the earth
Because we’ve become too many. There, where salt mines are today, was a long time ago sea. A development without people. That is the problem now.
… because we cannot realize the complex relationships in such a way that better action emerges from them. Humanity seems to be the result of a big bang, and behaves accordingly.
Man participates in creation with pots ^^
Because it’s so interesting to get around at your own downfall.
Dumbness and greed of profit
Resources are exhaustive… people do not live according to the sustainable laws of an ecosystem…
Well, man is not a good race, and I am going from the extraterrestrial life, which is far ahead of us, which weeiss and therefore will not contact us alike.
We can do this!
I’ve done it soon.
Then we got something big. \o/
That and humor. You’re doing this right…
What else is left to us? 😀
I admire your positive attitude.
But still a performance.
in a very sad way, yes.
Because man is stupid