Warum zeigt mir Amazon Prime plötzlich Werbung?

Angeblich wird schon seit Februar Werbung gezeigt. Bei mir hat es aber erst heute angefangen, nachdem ich bereits einige Folgen einer Serie komplett ohne Werbung gebinged habe. Jetzt kommt pro Folge 3 mal Werbung. Machen die das absichtlich, damit man gehookt wird?

So oder so ganz schön frech. Hat Amazon nicht genug Kohle?

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8 months ago

The interruption by advertising while streaming on Prime Video can be frustrating. Luckily there is an article about Turn off the ads on Prime Video and streaming movies and series without interruptions.

6 months ago

Since that is so for many providers also Netflix, you need to book a more expensive package to have no advertising.

I don’t care if I don’t want to spend more advertising. Swabian 😂

9 months ago

Amazon is always advertising at the Abbo now. You can watch free of charge for a fee of 2.99 euros per month. The change came sometime this year. Then got an info from Amazon.

9 months ago

There are titles that show no advertisements, little advertisements and lots of advertisements. You’ve probably only been watching titles without advertising until now.

9 months ago
Reply to  Vanessa63

It’s just a guess. It may be that you have a higher subscription, which advertising has only recently shown.

9 months ago

Since not every series and movie contains advertisements, I noticed that too.The older the series & movies, the higher is the probability that no advertising runs because these films/series are seen less.

As a rule, there are at the beginning and again during the movie advertisements, 3 ad breaks I have not experienced personally, except for the FreeVe Chanel.

9 months ago
Reply to  Vanessa63

The advertising breaks in the regular TV are much longer, as an advertising break takes longer than the complete advertising at Amazon in a film/track.But you can cancel Amazon at any time or complete the Premium subscription (additionally 2.99€), just as you like.

9 months ago

I also don’t, I only use the normal television to watch football like tomorrow at the opening game of the EM.But sometimes you can visit somewhere else and get the program.

9 months ago

I can’t stand the normal television anymore, because only movies are running that you’ve already seen 100 times.

9 months ago

You can find it as you want, that’s free.I don’t think it’s good, but unfortunately there are no alternatives as Netflix also shows advertisements if you don’t pay much more.That’s really bad, you can only choose the ad subscription for 5 euros, but there are many things missing or you pay €13.99, that’s really cheeky the price without advertising so. But regular television can’t be done, there’s 1 hour advertising in a 2 hour movie.

9 months ago

😂😂😂warum, this is just my opinion.And what I say is a fact, you can check yourself, stop the length of a regular promotional break and see how long it goes.But as I said, you don’t like it, then quit if you can’t afford 3€ additionally.

Meanwhile, all streaming providers have started with advertising, including Netflix & Disney, which are companies & which are just about maximum profit.