Warum zählt Kindergeld als Einkommen aber pflegeld nicht?

Warum zählt Kindergeld als Einkommen aber pflegeld zählt nicht als Einkommen und ist auch noch Steuer frei und unpfändbar??? Kinder brauchen mehr Geld als ein Pflegefall und das bisschen sollte den Kindern zustehen ? Wer hat das erfunden ?

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2 years ago

Is now just a theory:

Nursing money is a financial support that is based on the fact that I personally refer to help from an existing insurance that has been paid during my professional life. The nursing money was almost already taxed. And in contrast to the pension, one can assume that much more people get money from pension insurance as from nursing insurance. More people retire as need care.

Children’s allowances are financial benefits from the State where only taxpayers are financed (there is no child benefit insurance). You try to refinance the child’s money with yourself.

2 years ago

You’re wrong about paving.

If care allowances are received, the allowance amount may be raised.

Just as every child increases the allowance! (aka releases money for child money)

Both will only happen on request at the bank with a security deposit account and with appropriate means

2 years ago
Reply to  Ratsuche271

Then you have to ask the question right

2 years ago

because it is an appropriate service!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ratsuche271

No, child money is not an appropriate achievement in the sense of the law!

In addition, there are actually areas where the child’s allowance is not calculated

2 years ago

What?????? PFlegegeld is useless? I’m a cancer patient and also get nursing money, so I can make my life a little more pleasant. Hope you won’t get sick and need help

2 years ago
Reply to  Ratsuche271

Children need more money than a caring case and the bit should be to the children

2 years ago

you don’t understand, sorry

2 years ago

I think those with the word social in the name weren’t.