Warum wünsche ich mir, geliebt zu werden?
Ich hasse mich dafür. Warum kann ich nicht normal sein. Schließlich möchte ich niemanden zur Last fallen und von niemanden verlangen, mich zu mögen. Aber warum ist dieser Wunsch vorhanden? Wie werde ich das los ?
Hello Yoinx
Why can’t I be normal?
You’re normal. Think and feel like any other person.
It is one of the basic needs of a person to feel, accept, respect, like and be loved.
We humans are ruddies. This means that we are not only dependent on each other, but also want confirmation and donation. Then we feel accepted and lifted.
This longing will unfortunately remain, as long as nothing changes in your life and you have too many people around you, who do not understand you, do not reach within and thus cannot make happy.
Thank you Christina 🫶🏻 🫂,
But of course I also wonder; can I even ask for this from someone? Of course I also have a lot of love to forgive – my love even anyone..?
Thank you for thinking about me and answering this question.
Feel loved 🥰.
Good night sleep well 💤🌙
Hello Yoinx
Thank you for your dear comment. I liked your question.
What do you think you have to ask? Something like that happens voluntarily. If you kill yourself with people who understand and appreciate you, it happens automatically. It must be the right people.
Thank you for your star ⭐
That’s normal natural need.
I would also like to.
You don’t have that wish alone. Actually, everyone wants to be loved. That you live is a thought of God’s love that can only create life. He created you for love. You’re a Sunday afternoon love creature. There are only 7.8 billion people for you. No one has a fingerprint like you, no one has a smile like you. So you’re unique.
Make the following: Go under the shower and clean yourself from head to foot. Put on the most beautiful dress you have. Eat yourself beautiful. Put some makeup on. Then put yourself in front of the mirror, look in your eyes and say, “I am right, just like I am”. No one has the right to discuss this, not even me. Then you say, “I am loved and I love myself.” You’re holding that. You won’t let that happen. I’m glad to take your life.
LG by Manfred
You’re not going. You get used to it. Find things that make you happy to make the basic need (the desire for love) more bearable.
First and foremost, it is important that you can accept and love yourself. Strengthen self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence.
Is at almost every person so it is simply nature because love then reproductive
simply ignore when it bothers you
Most people want to be loved. It would be unnormal if it weren’t.
Because everyone wants to:)
I thought most people were self-confident and don’t need it.
Most people move
You BIST normal. Everyone wants to be loved.